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Alle Inhalte von arcy

  1. arcy

    eure Webseiten

    viel spass mit www.d-xp.com
  2. komisch .... dann führ das onClick - Event halt wieder ein
  3. müsste meiner meinung nach so aussehen (siehe: onSubmit):
  4. arcy

    css border

    natürlich ist kürzen möglich: style="border: [dicke] [stil];" z.B.: style="border: 1px #000000 solid;"
  5. Wenn du VB benutzt, und das FilesystemObjekt nicht extra einbinden willst, dann reichen folgende Funktionen vollkommen aus: '----------------------------------------------------------------- 'Ordner auslesen '----------------------------------------------------------------- ' Returns a collection holding all the subdirectories in a path ' that match search attributes (optionally it returns the entire path). Function GetDirectories(path As String, Optional Attributes As VbFileAttribute, _ Optional IncludePath As Boolean) As Collection Dim dirname As String Dim path2 As String ' initialize the result Set GetDirectories = New Collection ' build the path name with a trailing backslash path2 = path If Right$(path2, 1) <> "\" Then path2 = path2 & "\" ' start the search dirname = Dir$(path2 & "*.*", vbDirectory Or Attributes) Do While Len(dirname) If dirname = "." Or dirname = ".." Then ' exclude the "." and ".." entries ElseIf (GetAttr(path2 & dirname) And vbDirectory) = 0 Then ' ignore regular files Else ' this is a directory ' include the path if requested If IncludePath Then dirname = path2 & dirname GetDirectories.Add dirname, dirname End If ' get next string dirname = Dir$ Loop End Function '----------------------------------------------------------------- 'Dateien auslesen '----------------------------------------------------------------- ' Returns a collection holding all the filenames that ' match a given filespec and search attributes. Function GetFiles(filespec As String, Optional Attributes As VbFileAttribute) _ As Collection Dim filename As String Set GetFiles = New Collection ' start the search filename = Dir$(filespec, Attributes) Do While Len(filename) ' we've found a new file GetFiles.Add filename, filename ' get ready for the next iteration filename = Dir$ Loop End Function

Fachinformatiker.de, 2024 by SE Internet Services


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