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  1. Hallo ...Das Thema Studiengebühren klopft lautstark an die Tür.Tatsächlich besteht die Möglichkeit, dass diese früher kommen als gedacht. Deswegen eilt zu folgender Homepage und tragt euch ein: *********** Schickt das Ding an alle Hochschulen und Studenten die Ihr kennt weiter. Mitmachen können auch zukünftige Studierende/Eltern von Studierenden und zukünftigen Studierenden/Doktoranden/Diplomanden. Es geht hier um den Versuch, 1.000.000 Stimmenzusammenzukriegen(das Ding ist jetzt bei ca. 130.000, also etwa 1/8) - es gibt da nämlich eine EU Richtlinie, wonach Petitionen, die von über 1.000.000 EUBürgern unterzeichnet werden,vom Gesetzgeber nicht übergangen werden können. BITTE MACHT ALLE MIT! /edit upps, hab grad gesehen da hier keine politik rein darf. könnte das bitte jemand verschieben (ausbildung z.b.) da ich denke das es doch einige hier interessieren wird. danke
  2. mhmm... knall das sp3 nochmal drüber. dann hast wieder mdac 2.5. danach die gewünschte version wieder neu einspielen.
  3. der mittlere link entstammt dem 3. treffer der unteren google suche... :cool: xp und 2k nehmen sich in punkto fsp nicht sehr viel.
  4. dasetup.exe /u sollte sich mit der 2.7 genauso verhalten http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=/support/MDAC/26setupfaq.asp
  5. xplite bietet die option die file protection an- oder abzuschalten. http://www.litepc.com/xplite.html wenn du keinen bock hast das tool zu kaufen, machs einfach zu fuß: http://www.winguides.com/registry/display.php/790/ recht wild gegoogelt wirst schon ned haben.... http://groups.google.de/groups?q=disable+file+protection&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=de -> der 3. treffer
  6. du sollst ihn ja auch nicht deaktivieren, sondern stattdessen einen anderen treiber, nämlich den für den standard pc, installieren. wenn du im gerätemanager unter acpi auf treiber aktualisieren gehst, kannst du manuell denn standard pc treiber auswählen (den hat xp dabei). dann starte den rechner neu, und alle irq´s werden beim hochfahren neu zugeordnet.
  7. IRQ 9 ist meines Wissens Steuerung über ACPI . . . ich glaube da hilft nur deaktivierung von ACPI Im Gerätemanager kannst Du unter "Computer" Deinen Computer Typus sehen. Ist ein ACPI PC, werden oft interupts bevorzugt auf der 9 zusammengelegt. Wenn das Probleme macht, dann installiere an dieser Stelle einen neuen Treiber, nämlich den für Standart PCs. Danach wird der Rechner so ziemlich alle Hardware neu erkennen wollen. Bevor Du das tust, stelle sicher alle Treiber zur Hand zu haben. Sollte dann alles besser gehen... Desweiteren kann es sehr hilfreich sein, die IRQ-Zuordnung /nur/ vom Bios machen zu lassen und unter Gerätemanager -> Computer -> Standard-PC -> Eigenschaften -> IRQ-Steuerung den Eintrag "IRQ-Steuerung verwenden" zu deaktivieren.
  8. machst du das online update? wenn ja, dann versuch mal so: Geh auf diese Microsoft Seite: http://www.microsoft.com/windows2000/downloads/servicepacks/sp4/default.asp Wähle Deine Sprache aus und klick auf GO. Auf der nächsten Seite wähle rechts bei Download die Netzwerk Installation. So kannst Du ein ca. 130MB grosse EXE Datei runterladen, welche das komplette SP4 enthält ! ansonsten versuch das ganze mal im abgesicherten modus. (F8 beim systemstart) dann hab ich das noch gefunden: Quelle: Google Newsgroups: ################################################### Hi This can be caused by a permission/rights problem on the file/folder... The permission/rights on the file/folder can be corrupt, missing or revoked. Verify that e.g. Administrator and SYSTEM have full control over the file. Several other people have had this problem for Win2k SP3 upgrades as well as WinXP SP1 , on other files, with the same error message. After they fixed the access rights, the service pack install succeeded: http://groups.google.com/groups?selm=eys33rPWCHA.2136%40tkmsftngp08 http://groups.google.com/groups?selm=3ba901c27e89%247fce6fd0%2435ef2ecf%40TKMSFTNGXA11 ################################################### firewall deaktiviert? gruß Striper
  9. striper

    W2k - 2 Probleme

    http://www.jsifaq.com/subg/tip3000/rh3063.htm ansonsten: http://www.netexec.de/netexec.html gruß Striper
  10. Hallo zusammen, Quelle Google Newsgroups: ##################################################### It sounds like you've been hijacked. If you go to this page at Jim Eshelman's site, here: http://aumha.org/a/noads.htm and wait a little bit (be patient), an analysis of a number of possible parasites on your machine will be made to help you identify and remove them. NOTE: You will need to disable Ad Blocking in Zone Alarm 3.x, if present or any other Ad Blocking software which interferes with Java Scripting for this scan to work. You should get a message between the two lines of **** giving the results of the scan. For the general hijack case, the best way to start is to get Ad-Aware 6.0, Build 162 or later, here: http://www.lavasoftusa.com/support/download/. Update and run this regularly to get rid of most "spyware/hijackware" on your machine. Another excellent program for this purpose is SpyBot Search and Destroy available here: http://security.kolla.de/ SpyBot Support Forum here: http://www.net-integration.net/cgi-bin/forums/ikonboard.cgi. I recommend using both normally. After fixing things with SpyBot S&D, be sure to re-boot and rerun SpyBot again and repeat this cycle until you get a clean "no red" scan. Note that sometimes you need to make a judgement call about what these programs report as spyware. See here, for example: http://www.imilly.com/alexa.htm Lastly, a very useful utility for examining your system and correcting problems is Hijack This, which you can download here: http://www.spywareinfo.com/~merijn/files/hijackthis.zip See also, HijackThis Quick Start Help, http://www.tomcoyote.org/hjt/ (Recommended) This site has a number of useful references and information also: http://www.spywareinfo.com/articles/hijacked/ and here http://www.spywareinfo.com/downloads.php Another program giving a good inventory of all of the possible start vectors is AutostartExplorer, here: http://www.misec.net/aexp.jsp While it doesn't allow control of startups, it's extremely comprehensive in examining all of the possible sources. Highly Recommended Next, go here: http://www.mlin.net/StartupCPL.shtml and get Mike Lin's Startup Control Panel applet. A somewhat more difficult to use but more extensive program to do the same thing is StartupList from here: http://www.lurkhere.com/~nicefiles/index.html, or even better, Autoruns from here: http://www.sysinternals.com/ntw2k/source/misc.shtml#autoruns. Be very careful about doing any Registry modifications directly unless you're comfortable with this, and be sure that you BACKUP your Registry before making any changes, so that you can recover if something goes wrong. Changes made with StartUpCPL are less likely to cause problems, and are usually a matter of just re-enabling the particular program. Another program of this type that I can recommend is StartMan, free, here: http://www.spywareinfo.com/downloads/startman/. If you have problems with suspected hijackers, you can look up and investigate suspect programs in your StartUp lists here: http://www.pacs-portal.co.uk/startup_pages/startup_full.htm (Recommended) http://www.3feetunder.com/krick/startup/list.html (Recommended) http://www.answersthatwork.com/Tasklist_pages/tasklist.htm (Recommended) Some hijackers install themselves as Browser Helper Objects. Get BHOCop here: BHO Cop http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,4149,270,00.asp (Unfortunately, no longer free from that link but you can read about it there, and here is a direct download link for it: http://websec.arcady.fr/bhocop.zip) and take a look at what BHO's are currently installed. Some things like AdShield and Acrobat are normal, but if you see something that doesn't make any sense, try disabling it and see if that helps. Another excellent program for this same purpose is BHODemon, (still free) here: http://www.definitivesolutions.com/ or here: http://www.spywareinfo.com/downloads/bhod/ I would recommend both. You can also check/control BHO's using the Tools function of SpyBot S&D. There's good information about hijacking and fixes available here: Andrew Clover's parasite page: http://www.doxdesk.com/parasite/ (Highly recommended) Robert Allen's parasite page: http://allentech.net/parasite/index.phtml (Highly recommended) http://www.spywareinfo.com/hijacked.html http://gmpservicesinc.com/Articles/hijack.asp (links here for .reg files to lock and unlock your homepage, BTW. You can also use this program to toggle locking/unlocking of your homepage: http://www.dougknox.com/security/scripts/nosethomepage.vbs Recommended) http://www.mvps.org/inetexplorer/answers.htm#home_page Also, there's a new class of hijacker using Window's Messenger Service (not Instant Messaging, BTW). See: Messenger Service Window That Contains an Internet Advertisement Appears http://support.microsoft.com/?id=330904 which identifies reasons to keep this service and steps to take if you do. You can test your system and follow the 'Prevention' link to get additional information here: http://www.mynetwatchman.com/winpopuptester.asp. These are due to open NetBios ports 135, 137-139 and 445. You really need to block these with a firewall as a general protection measure. You can stop the popups by turning off Messenger Service; however, this still leaves you vulnerable. Messenger Service is not per se Spyware or something that MS did wrong - It provides a messaging capability which is useful for local intranets and is also sometimes (albeit nowdays infrequently) used by some applications to provide popup messaages to users. However, it can also be (and now frequently is) used to introduce spam via this open NetBios channel. For a single user home computer, it normally isn't needed and can be turned off which will eliminate the spam popups. This DOESN'T, however, remove the vulnerability of having these ports open, when in fact they aren't needed, since they can be perverted in other ways as well, some of which can be much more damaging than just a spam popup. Unless you have very good reasons to keep this active, it should be turned off in Win2k and XP. Go here and do what it says: http://www.itc.virginia.edu/desktop/docs/messagepopup/ or, even better, get MessageSubtract, free, here, which will give you flexible control of the service and viewing of these messages: http://www.intermute.com/messagesubtract/help.html Recommended. (FWIW, ZoneAlarm's default Internet Zone firewall configuration blocks the necessary ports to prevent this use of Messenger Service. I don't know the situation with regard to other firewalls.) Once you get this cleaned up, you might want to consider installing the Browser Hijack Blaster, SpywareBlaster and SpywareGuard here to help prevent this kind of thing from happening in the future: http://www.wilderssecurity.com/bhblaster.html (Prevents malware BHO's) http://www.wilderssecurity.com/spywareblaster.html (Prevents malware Active X installs) (BTW, SpyWare Blaster is not memory resident ... no CPU or memory load - but keep it updated) The latest version as of this writing will prevent installation or prevent the malware from running if it is already installed, and it provides information and fixit-links for a variety of parasites. http://www.wilderssecurity.net/spywareguard.html (Monitors for attempts to install malware) All three Very Highly Recommended. ##################################################### gruß Striper
  11. klingt nach controller - tausch mal das mainboard aus wenn du die möglichkeit dazu hast. Striper
  12. hast du 368+ Instructions eigeschalten? #################################### Short jumps can only jump +-128 bytes. To fix this, use JUMPS or .386 or je Label change to jne There jmp Label There: or if you use ".386" or better, you can also use the "/m#" command line switch to allow multiple passes TASM /m9 File.ASM and TASM will optimize all JMP/Jcc to the smallest opcode possible. #################################### ich quote mich mal selber: dann versuch doch den Skip Striper
  13. 1. platte irgendwo einbaun 2. bootable win2k oder xp cd rein 3. von cd booten (im bios umstellen) 4. im setup alle partitionen löschen 5. neue partitionen erstellen ... falls die 2k oder xp cd versagen sollte nimm Drive Fitness Test Download Striper
  14. hi, du musst einen NEAR jump und keinen SHORT jump verwenden hab dazu was für dich ausgegegraben: any conditional jump (JA, JB, JE, JZ, JS, JP, JCXZ, JC, JO, and their negative equivalents (JNA, JNB, JNAE, JAE, etc.) all have a range of +127 to -128 of the statement itself. This 1-byte offset jump is called a SHORT jump. I don't know which compiler you are using but on the 386 you can use an alternate form called the NEAR conditional jump which has a range of anywhere in the current segment. Usually a JB NEAR <address> should work. well, it does in NASM :-). maybe .386 may work for you. if you can't use that/must write for 80286 and below, you can use a skip construct: JE OutOfRange becomes: JNE Skip1 'the OPPOSITe. JE -> JNE, JC -> JNC, JNA -> JA, etc. JMP OutOfRange .Skip1: because JMP is a NEAR jump (anywhere in the segment). a FAR jump can only be done using JMPs or CALLs (not a conditional jump) and can jump anywhere- includes a segment and an offset. Viel Spass Striper
  15. Hi, Die API Funktion: Declare Function GetActiveWindow Lib "user32" () As Long gibt dir den handle des aktiven Fensters zurück. Striper

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