Du bist mit einem Kind verheiratet? I'm married and have one child
I was born in Germany on 20th december 1975.
Last Year I have finished(Last year i finished) a further vocational training as specialized computer scientist.
During the Training (training) I must complete 3 Projects(projects). And during my Training I have make 1 Year (During my training i made 1 year) internship as Serveradministrator by The Company ThyssenKrupp Steel.
My computer skills is(are) very extensive, for example I can(I'm) very good (in) control(ing)
SAP R3, TCP- IP - Networks, Server / Client, Router, Switch, VPN, Raid Systeme(systems), Data Protection,Word, Excel, Powerpoint and all of Office Products
Now, to(this are) my Personal Competences, I can say that I have analytic thinking and ability of
getting through(Durchdringung)), and I am very flexibly
My mother languages(native tongue) is Tükish (turkey). German is my second Mother Languas. English, I can write
and speak very good (ehm :floet: ) and French only basic knowledge.