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dann solltest deinem PC mal die iP / / GW: / DNS und schwus biste im routermenü über die
start->ausführen->cmd ipconfig /all ausgabe hier posten, danke mit welcher IP willst auf den router?
Fachberater Integrierte Systeme
geloescht_Fisi_Markus antwortete auf Threepwood87's Thema in IT-Arbeitswelt
da aber in 10 Jahren schon 2 inflationen und währungsreformen hinter uns liegen bekommt man in diesem Beruf 785 TuxFux -
steck mal eine an den front-usb und eine direkt am board an also an getrennten internen hubs
daten von D wegsichern platte plätten neu partionieren xp installieren datensicherung zurückspielen ---------- andere Variante Daten sichern MBR plätten Windows XP installieren
Installationsabbruch von Realtek HD Audio Driver
geloescht_Fisi_Markus antwortete auf J-Xon's Thema in Hardware
versuch doch bitte mal diesen hier http://dlsvr02.asus.com/pub/ASUS/nb/Z35A/AUDIO_XP_2K_051021.zip -
Installationsabbruch von Realtek HD Audio Driver
geloescht_Fisi_Markus antwortete auf J-Xon's Thema in Hardware
Notebooks haben hersteller hersteller haben webseiten auf herstellerwebseiten finden sich oft treiber.... -> nimm den Treiber von der Herstellerpage -
spiegel die platte auf ne andere... hast den laptop schon mal neu installiert? Nicht das das ihn neu installiert und funktionierend zurückbekommst, natürlich auf Rechnung, da es kein hardwaredefekt war.
http://www.azdownloads.info/Cisco-CCNA-Exam-640801-Router-Simulator-Sem-Sim-221_de15710.html schau mal ob das was für dich is bzw. google nach ciscosim ccna
Externe HDD wird nicht erkannt (Laptop + PCMCIA SATA-Controller)
geloescht_Fisi_Markus antwortete auf IceT's Thema in Hardware
du versorgst die platte aber schon über ein zusätzliches Netzteil mit Strom? -
natürlich kann das am netzteil liegen..... das alter und der zustand sind 2 komplett unterschiedliche dinge.. das hat jetzt nichts damit zu tun wie das netzteil gepflegt wurde, sondern mit den verbauten bauteilen und ihren toleranzen und ihrer genauigkeit
Notebook startet seit Installation von AOL 9.0 deutlich langsamer
geloescht_Fisi_Markus antwortete auf JoachimQ's Thema in Windows
solltest du keinen router haben gib deinem netzwerkadapter ne IP aus dem privaten Bereich. und den rest kannst ja oben mehrfach lesen -
Windows Server überwachen - Status Emails
geloescht_Fisi_Markus antwortete auf Guenny0815's Thema in Windows
paßt jetzt nicht 100%ig erweitert aber die auswahl an tools erheblich happy mailing : Blat online hiermit kannst Du Dateien per SMTP verschicken. Da Blat für die Kommandozeile entwickelt wurde kannst es als geplanten Task laufen, und dir Log-dateien zumailen, lassen. -
anderes netzteil nehmen ... klingt nach problem mit nem kondensator. daher auch einschaltbar sofort nach dem ausschalten, weil kondensator noch geladen. hängt der PC an eine spezielle Steckdosenleiste, z.b. mit Netzfilter?
mache dir mit nlite ne cd mit treiber
System defekt nach Netzteilausfall?!
geloescht_Fisi_Markus antwortete auf Hunduster's Thema in Windows
ok... wenn genug platten hast clone das system 1. als sicherung und 2. als arbeitskopie mit der testen kannst... wenn die arbeitskopie kaputtgeht hast noch immer die sicherung.. und das system bleibt unberührt.. noch ein tipp zum clonen, nicht startende systeme lassen sich meist NICHT mit GHOST clonen, also bitte Trueimage nehmen -
du hast doch gewußt das am ende der Ausbildung die Prüfung steht.. und was in 3 Jahren nicht lernst, lernst in 1 oder 2 wochen auch nicht mehr....
System defekt nach Netzteilausfall?!
geloescht_Fisi_Markus antwortete auf Hunduster's Thema in Windows
na siehste... -
prüfungen sind wie weihnachten... der Termin kommt immer soooo überraschend
was ich mich frage... wurde das RAID 1 auf einen neuen oder einen bestehenden Server eingerichtet? sollte der Server bereits vorhanden gewesen sein, ist die neuinstallation von windows unnötig
gugg dir das mal an uib: opsi habs selber bislang nur geladen aber noch nicht getestet
du kennst doch sicher die Erfindung des USB-Diskettenlaufwerks.. hier im örtlichen Altenheim habe ich schon einige sehr freundliche Senioren damit hantieren sehen. Das sind beides Umstände die Dich deutlich von Ihnen abheben. btw. um Nicks richtig zu schreiben kann auch copy&paste helfen zu allen anderen fragen: superseite für PE
Image wärend es Betriebes erstellen
geloescht_Fisi_Markus antwortete auf Bounder's Thema in Anwendungssoftware
trueimage oder ghost ab 10.0 wobei ich images die im betrieb erstellt wurden nicht übern weg trau -
System defekt nach Netzteilausfall?!
geloescht_Fisi_Markus antwortete auf Hunduster's Thema in Windows
zur id 4 In one case, according to a newsgroup post, this event was related to Deamon Tools and a security update from Microsoft. Apparently, uninstalling M914784 will solve the problem. Just go to add/remove programs, check the box at the top that says show updates, find the M914784 update and remove it. zur 51 Glauber (Last update 3/11/2007): From a newsgroup post: "A Buggy NForce SATA driver caused the problem. Disabling Native Command Queuing (NCQ) in the Nvidia SATA driver resolved it". See the link to "Abit Forum Thread" for some other useful information. Anonymous (Last update 9/27/2006): In my case, going to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters" and setting the value for "EnablePrefetcher" to 1 solved the problem. Gavin Seabrook (Last update 7/26/2006): In my case, the games were randomly shutting down and sometimes window pop-ups occurred saying Delayed Write Failure. There was a problem with my MFT (Master File Table) file. Using the program "Diskeeper", I changed its size (creating a new one). Note: you need to use the Diskeeper Professional version (There is a trial for it available). Since then I have not had any more problems with games shutting down or files being lost. See M174619 and M227350 for information about the Master File Table. Dave Murphy (Last update 5/23/2006): In testing a new configuration on our terminal servers, we ran into this error under moderate user load. We started with two brand new servers with 8GB of RAM, using Windows 2003 Enterprise Server. We used the "/PAE" and the "/3GB" switches on the server to increase available memory to 8GB. The paging file was set to anywhere from 2048 to 4096. At one point, we let the server set the paging file at a whopping 8000 MB. The paging activity increased so much that it caused disk thrashing on the server and these errors were logged. The server would then slow to a crawl and more or less had to be rebooted. After removing the "/PAE" and the "/3GB" switches, the error has not been encountered under similar user loads. Rather than using the full 8GB of RAM, we put the RAM into 4GB with mirroring instead. Mårten Edelbrink (Last update 4/17/2006): I received this error along with EventID 50 from source Ntfs (and EventID 11 from source disk and EventID 5 from source atapi), when I had the paging file and my virtual disks on the same physical disk. When I moved the paging file to another disk the errors stopped. Mihai Andrei (Last update 2/9/2006): This event may occur when you try to write data to a Serial Bus Protocol 2 (SBP-2) device, such as an IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 1394 drive. See M885464 for a hotfix applicable to Microsoft Windows XP. See "Dell Support Document Number: TT1091520" and "Dell Support Document Number: TT1091518" for additional information about this event. Ionut Marin (Last update 8/16/2005): As per Microsoft: "An input/output (I/O) request to a memory-mapped file failed and the operation was retried. If these events are logged regularly on a primary system drive, replace the device. Otherwise, no user action is required". See MSW2KDB for more details on this event. This event may appear if you have a Windows server booting from a Storage Area Network (SAN). See M305547 for more detailed information. As per Microsoft: "This problem occurs if an Input/Output (I/O) operation to a hard disk is unsuccessful. When an I/O operation to a hard disk is unsuccessful, Windows Server 2003 logs Event ID 51 in the system log. This problem occurs even if the I/O operation is retried and is subsequently successful". See M834910 for a hotfix. As per Microsoft: "This problem occurs if you have installed one or more storage devices that do not support cache commands. The Windows 2000 SP4 Disk.sys driver writes many events to the system log when it performs write operations to a storage device that does not support cache commands". See M830051 for a hotfix. From a newsgroup post: "If you have Intel's Application Accelerator installed this is what can cause the error. I have found that it is a false detection and it is nothing to you should worry about. I read it on Intel's web site. I get this error sometimes but it never causes any problems". See M835473 for additional information on this event. Al Marklin (Last update 11/8/2004): This error is generated along with EventID 32 from source Disk (and erroneously error 34), when Windows 2000 SP4 is installed in a system with and Iomega Zip 250. I have tracked this for several months without loss of data, and it appears to be spurious though it does fill up the System log. From M324916: "The Iomega Zip 250 drive does not support requests by the operating system to turn off write caching. Because of this, an Event ID 32 warning is logged in the event log. This warning is by design. Event ID 34s are then incorrectly generated in the event log every time you start your computer, although they are supposed to be Event ID 32s". Per Ionut Marin's comment: "The Windows 2000 SP4 Disk.sys driver writes many events to the system log when it performs write operations to a storage device that does not support cache commands. See M830051 for a hotfix". Anonymous (Last update 8/19/2004): To fix this problem I disabled the “Write cache†feature on my disk. To do this go to Device Manager -> Disk Drives, right click on your disk and choose Properties. Here you can disable this feature. Mashiki (Last update 6/27/2004): Intel's Application Accelerator does seem to cause, the event ID 51 in many instances. The best advice is to troubleshoot the actual code in each instance (see M244780). I have now seen this in many computers, those I have built and my own. This code does seem to come up in all of them; they all use the chipset I845 or I850. Only with the most recent driver release from Intel ( does this happen. The drives and memory are fine. The specific code in each case is a 0x40 SRB_STATUS_QUEUE_FROZEN, I believe it’s an error in the IAA driver itself. Removing the IAA, removes the problem in each instance. Michael Papalabrou (Last update 5/17/2004): If this disk is your system disk or a disk that contains sensitive data, consider taking regular backups and/or replacing this disk as soon as possible. It will fail soon. In my system it started generating errors, it had degraded performance and it failed a month later. Captain Fizz (Last update 2/9/2004): I had the same message due to a faulty HDD. Anonymous (Last update 10/15/2003): I was burning a cd with Nero Burning Rom 6 + data verification. The data verification did freeze near 97%, and after 3 minutes I aborted the process and the event log reported this warning. Adrian Grigorof (Last update 8/2/2003): This event may be recorded when a digital camera is attached to the system to transfer images from its internal hard drive to the computer. If the camera's batteries run out of power during this process one of the effects is the recording of this message. An example of device reported in such cases is "\Device\Harddisk2\DR10" - and it is the footprint of an IBM SmartMedia hard drive. Ron Glaister (Last update 5/9/2003): This will also occur on a Windows 2000 server connected to a compaq EMA SAN (HSG80s) utilizing triple-mirroring. When the "Broken" mirror set is inserted back into the SAN for remirroring, you will see this occur. Compaq claims this is entirely normal and from my end, has occurred since it was installed and has never affected anything. Kmex This event occurs when multiple clusters that are attached to the same storage subsystem are not configured properly. See M304415 and M311081 links. Brian Soegaard (AKA Cerw) According to Microsoft, this error can be hardware related. See the information provided for event 9 and 11. Pablo Rivera On a Windows 2000 server, this error could be caused when a process is taking a long time to process data on the partition that holds the page file. Processes like a scheduled virus scan on all partitions, a file backup procedure, or just by having the page file on a fragmented and heavily utilized partition that has little free space. If the error only happens at the same time as one of the above scheduled tasks, you may not need to worry, as long as it goes away after the task is done and the page file returns to normal. Check Microsoft articles M123747 and M197379 to learn more about page file and performance. Anonymous See M244780. Quelle: eventid.net -
System defekt nach Netzteilausfall?!
geloescht_Fisi_Markus antwortete auf Hunduster's Thema in Windows
ok, ddann brauche ich jetzt noch die quelle die steht beim eintrag oben rechts