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<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default" ValidateRequest="true" %> INSERT INTO TAB1(Name) VALUES("L'oréal"); public int ValidateLogin(string UserName, string Password) { // Create Instance of Connection and Command Object SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(dbConnect); SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand("uspValidateLogin", myConnection); // Mark the Command as a SPROC myCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; // Add Parameters to SPROC SqlParameter paramUserName = new SqlParameter("@Username", SqlDbType.VarChar, 32); paramUserName.Value = UserName; myCommand.Parameters.Add(paramUserName); SqlParameter paramPassword = new SqlParameter("@Password", SqlDbType.VarChar, 32); paramPassword.Value = Password; myCommand.Parameters.Add(paramPassword); SqlParameter paramUserID = new SqlParameter("@myUserID", SqlDbType.Int, 4); paramUserID.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; myCommand.Parameters.Add(paramUserID); myConnection.Open(); myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); myConnection.Close(); return (int)paramUserID.Value; }
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page { public static string senol; public static string senolay; public static string senolyil; protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataView uygula = baglantitable.DV_Sonuc("select * from haftalik_onnumara_bilgileri"); string input; string[] str; string gun; string ay; string yil; string a_; string b_; string c_; for (int b = 0; b < uygula.Count; b++) { senol = ""; input = uygula[b]["tarih"].ToString(); str = input.Split(' '); //foreach (string items in str.Length) //{ //} for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++) { if (i == 0) { gun = str[0]; senol = gun; //Response.Write(gun.ToString() + "<br>"); } if (i == 1) { ay = str[1]; senolay = ay; //Response.Write(ay + "<br>"); } if (i == 2) { yil = str[2]; senolyil = yil; //Response.Write(yil + "<br>"); } } baglantitable.Sorgu_Calistir("Update haftalik_onnumara_bilgileri set yil='" + senolyil + "' , ay='" + senolay + "', gun='" + senol + "' where hafta=" + uygula[b]["hafta"]); } } }
if ((browser == "1") || (browser == "2") )) { Response.Redirect("wap"); }
Bild ansehen
my sql connection string using MySql.Data.MySqlClient; System.Globalization.CultureInfo TrCulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("tr-TR"); public static MySqlConnection sqlBaglanti = new MySqlConnection("server=localhost;charset=latin5;u ser id=root; password=; database=ozelegitim; pooling=false;"); data list public static DataView DV_Sonuc(string sql) { MySqlDataAdapter sqlAdapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(sql, sqlBaglanti); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); sqlAdapter.Fill(ds); sqlBaglanti.Close(); return ds.Tables[0].DefaultView; } sample DV_Sonuc("select * from table") insert , update , delete public static void Sorgu_Calistir(string sql) { MySqlCommand sqlCommand = new MySqlCommand(sql, sqlBaglanti); if (sqlCommand.Connection.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { sqlBaglanti.Open(); } sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); sqlBaglanti.Close(); }sample Sorgu_Calistir("insert into table(name) values('"+value+"')") danke 0815FIA Felix_Roscher Don't show Sie den Fehler?
bin / MySql.Data.dll add dll. then I prepared my video monitor. web_google_.swf using MySql.Data.MySqlClient; System.Globalization.CultureInfo TrCulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("tr-TR"); public static MySqlConnection sqlBaglanti = new MySqlConnection("server=localhost;charset=latin5;user id=root; password=; database=ozelegitim; pooling=false;"); data list public static DataView DV_Sonuc(string sql) { MySqlDataAdapter sqlAdapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(sql, sqlBaglanti); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); sqlAdapter.Fill(ds); sqlBaglanti.Close(); return ds.Tables[0].DefaultView; } data ,delete, update, insert public static void Sorgu_Calistir(string sql) { MySqlCommand sqlCommand = new MySqlCommand(sql, sqlBaglanti); if (sqlCommand.Connection.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { sqlBaglanti.Open(); } sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); sqlBaglanti.Close(); } danke
Hallo, mit Access-Datenbank. Mit MySQL oder SQL Server. Projekt zeigt, dass der Fehler i Sie löst den Fehler.
xml 1 using System; using System.Data; using System.Configuration; using System.Collections; using System.Web; using System.Web.Security; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts; using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Xml; public partial class filtre : System.Web.UI.Page { // public static string ekran; protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Write("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>"); Response.Write("<nakliyeciler>"); DataView XmlSag = baglantitable.Toplam_kayitlar("select DISTINCT tbl_iller.il,tbl_firma.lbl_il from tbl_iller inner join tbl_firma on tbl_iller.il=tbl_firma.lbl_il "); for (int FlasId = 0; FlasId < XmlSag.Count; FlasId++) { Response.Write("<nakliye " + "il='" + XmlSag[FlasId]["il"].ToString() + "'>"); DataView XmlSage = baglantitable.Toplam_kayitlar("select * from tbl_firma where lbl_Onay ='1' and site='1' and lbl_il='" + XmlSag[FlasId]["il"].ToString() + "' order by RAND()"); for (int i = 0; i < XmlSage.Count; i++) { Response.Write("<firms>"); Response.Write("<firm>"); Response.Write(XmlSage[i]["lbl_firma_adi"].ToString()); Response.Write("</firm>"); Response.Write("<tel1>"); Response.Write(XmlSage[i]["lbl_tel_bir"].ToString()); Response.Write("</tel1>"); Response.Write("<tel2>"); Response.Write(XmlSage[i]["lbl_tel_iki"].ToString()); Response.Write("</tel2>"); Response.Write("<tel3>"); Response.Write(XmlSage[i]["lbl_tel_uc"].ToString()); Response.Write("</tel3>"); Response.Write("<tel4>"); Response.Write(XmlSage[i]["lbl_yetkili_gsm"].ToString()); Response.Write("</tel4>"); Response.Write("<res>"); Response.Write(XmlSage[i]["filtre_r"].ToString()); Response.Write("</res>"); Response.Write("<web_>"); Response.Write(XmlSage[i]["lbl_web"].ToString()); Response.Write("</web_>"); Response.Write("<sno_>"); Response.Write(XmlSage[i]["id"].ToString()); Response.Write("</sno_>"); Response.Write("</firms>"); } Response.Write("</nakliye>"); } Response.Write("</nakliyeciler>"); //DataView XmlSag = baglantitable.Toplam_kayitlar("select * from tbl_firma where lbl_Onay ='1' and site='1' ORDER BY RAND()"); } } xml 2 try { DataView flashUrun = baglantitable.Toplam_kayitlar("SELECT * from urun_list where Uye_ID=" + Session["ID"].ToString() + " and site='2' and vitrin='1'"); XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(Server.MapPath("Xml/" + Session["ID"].ToString() + ".xml"), null); writer.WriteStartDocument(); writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented; writer.WriteComment("This Program uses Paslanmazbul.com."); writer.WriteComment("Developed by :Şenol Şahin."); writer.WriteStartElement("album"); for (int flashID = 0; flashID < flashUrun.Count; flashID++) { writer.WriteStartElement("content"); writer.WriteElementString("image", "FirmaSiteleri/" + flashUrun[flashID]["Uye_ID"].ToString() + "/KUCUK/" + flashUrun[flashID]["Kat_ID"].ToString() + "/" + flashUrun[flashID]["U_Kresim"].ToString()); writer.WriteElementString("subject", flashUrun[flashID]["Urun_Ad"].ToString()); switch (flashUrun[flashID]["Urun_Fcins"].ToString()) { case "Dolar": parabirim = "$"; break; case "Euro": parabirim = "€"; break; case "Ytl": parabirim = "Ytl"; break; } writer.WriteElementString("int", parabirim + flashUrun[flashID]["Urun_Findirim"].ToString()); string detayyaz = flashUrun[flashID]["Urun_Detay"].ToString(); int bolsonuc = detayyaz.Length / 6; writer.WriteElementString("albumdate", flashUrun[flashID]["Urun_Detay"].ToString().Remove(bolsonuc)); writer.WriteElementString("star", flashUrun[flashID]["urunhit"].ToString()); writer.WriteElementString("link", "FirmaUrunDetay.aspx?UrunId=" + flashUrun[flashID]["U_ID"].ToString() + "&Store=231"); writer.WriteElementString("soundlink", "FirmaUrunDetay.aspx?UrunId=" + flashUrun[flashID]["U_ID"].ToString() + "&Store=231"); writer.WriteElementString("disptype", "02"); writer.WriteEndElement(); } writer.Flush(); writer.Close(); } //yoksa oluştur catch (Exception x) { using (FileStream fs = File.Create(Server.MapPath("Xml/" + Session["ID"].ToString() + ".xml"))) { Byte[] info = new UTF8Encoding(true).GetBytes("<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>"); // Add some information to the file. fs.Write(info, 0, info.Length); } }
Datensatz in DataSet suchen und ausgeben
paslanmazbul antwortete auf informatikerin86's Thema in .NET
Public Shared Function DV_Sonuc(sql As String) As DataView Dim sqlAdapter As New MySqlDataAdapter(sql, sqlBaglanti) Dim ds As New DataSet() sqlAdapter.Fill(ds) sqlBaglanti.Close() Return ds.Tables(0).DefaultView End Function thanx ? -
Probleme mit einem Insert Into Befehl in VB.net
paslanmazbul antwortete auf Gateway_man's Thema in .NET
Convert VB to C# or C# to VB Code Converter | Provided by Telerik -
Probleme mit einem Insert Into Befehl in VB.net
paslanmazbul antwortete auf Gateway_man's Thema in .NET
no no no pls good code writer cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Posteingang(Absender, Betreff, Datum, Größe, Inhalt, htmlbool, htmlinhalt) Values('" & from & "', '" & subject & _ "', '" & [date] & "', '" & sizeText & "', '" & textbody & "', '" & IIf(htmlbody IsNot Nothing, "True", "False") & "', '" & IIf(htmlbody IsNot Nothing, htmlbody, Nothing) & "')" erorr [date] date.text or date IIf(htmlbody IsNot Nothing, "True", "False") IIf(htmlbody IsNot Nothing, htmlbody, Nothing) yes code string AyarKayittarih = kayittarih.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); baglantitable.Sorgu_Calistir("insert into Sikayet(Eden,Tel,firma,Tarih,Gtarih,acikla,onay) values('"+ TextBox1.Text +"','"+TextBox2.Text+"','"+TextBox3.Text +"','"+ DropDownList7.SelectedValue +"','"+ AyarKayittarih+"','"+TextBox4.Text+"','"+ onaybekle +"' )"); good boy class public static void Sorgu_Calistir(string sql) { MySqlCommand sqlCommand = new MySqlCommand(sql, sqlBaglanti); if (sqlCommand.Connection.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { sqlBaglanti.Open(); } sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); sqlBaglanti.Close(); } ------ -
basic <img src="egitimler/Photoshop.jpg" border="0" title="Photoshop" onmouseout="this.src='egitimler/Photoshop.jpg';" onmouseover="this.src='egitimler/PhotoshopOFF.jpg';"/> dynamic asp <img src="egitimler/<%=rs(images)%>.jpg" border="0" title="<%=rs(images)%>." onmouseout="this.src='egitimler/<%=rs(images)%>..jpg';" onmouseover="this.src='egitimler/<%=rs(imagesOFF)%>..jpg';"/> php <img src="egitimler/<?=images?>.jpg" border="0" title=<?=images?>.." onmouseout="this.src='egitimler/<?=images?>.jpg';" onmouseover="this.src='egitimler/<?=imagesoff?>.jpg';"/> asp.net .cs public static string rollover; rollover = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 10;i++ ) { rollover = rollover + "<img src=egitimler/" + Rs["images"] + ".jpg border=0 title= + Rs["images] + " onmouseout=this.src='egitimler/" + Rs["images"] + ".jpg'; onmouseover=this.src=egitimler/" + Rs["imagesoff] + ".jpg';/>"; } rollover = rollove; aspx <table><tr><td><%=rollover%></td></tr></table>
System.Globalization.CultureInfo TrCulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("tr-TR");
System.Globalization.CultureInfo TrCulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("tr-TR"); public static MySqlConnection sqlBaglanti = new MySqlConnection("server=localhost;charset=latin5;user id=root; password=; database=tv; pooling=false;"); public static DataView DV_Sonuc(string sql) { MySqlDataAdapter sqlAdapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(sql, sqlBaglanti); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); sqlAdapter.Fill(ds); sqlBaglanti.Close(); return ds.Tables[0].DefaultView; } DataView ustzemnin = baglantitable.DV_Sonuc("select * from sayfaayar"); DataView ustkontrol = baglantitable.DV_Sonuc("select * from ayar where AyarID=" + ustzemnin[0]["ustst"] + ""); zemenimust = ustkontrol[0]["ustbg"].ToString(); Image1.ImageUrl = "yonetici/FirmaSiteleri/1/temp/1/" + ustkontrol[0]["logo"].ToString(); btnust = ustkontrol[0]["btnbg"].ToString(); //this.Title = "Portal"; Random resim = new Random(); Image2.ImageUrl = "banner/" + resim.Next(3) + ".gif";
um zu einer anderen Codierung und Ergebnisse .cs string sample ; sample=""; sample = sample + "<table>"; sample = sample + "<tr><td>"+name+"</td></tr>"; sample = sample + "<tr><td>"+firm+"</td></tr>"; for i ++ { sample = sample + "<tr><td>"+col.name+"</td></tr>"; sample = sample + "<tr><td>"+col.firm+"</td></tr>"; } sample = sample + "</table>";