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  1. Dann müßte das der Port: sein?
  2. Also es geht um Folgendes Problem: Crafty Syntax PHP Gallery Installation: problems on this page?!? CLICK HERE TO GO TO SUPPORT PAGE INSTALLATION OPTIONS: if you installed CSIG version 3.0 or higher in the past and are upgrading you can select to upgrade your current database and keep all your images in your current database. (Sorry no upgrade options have been written yet for versions before 3.0). The version of your gallery is in your database under gallery_config and this setup program will try to figure it out for you upon upgrade. There is no upgrade options for galleries below version 3.0 Installation: Title of your Gallery: This is the Title of your gallery and will be shown as the title tag. Title of your Gallery: Administration e-mail: This is the e-mail address for the administrator of this book. e-mails on access, lost password, etc.. email: Administration Password: This is the Password that you choose to allow a user to enter the Administration. The password must only contain number and letters. no spaces or !@#$ characters. password: password (again): Full Path to Gallery: This is the Full Path to Gallery not to be confused with the httpd path. This should be a file path like /www/username/public_html/phpgallery Full Path to Gallery: Type of Database: The Crafty Syntax Gallery was originally created to work with mysql. In the next version I am going to make this work with text files and other database types. Database: If MySQL is selected above: MySQL server: MySQL database: MySQL user: MySQL password: If txt-db-api (simple Flat text files) is selected above you need to provide a full path to the directory where the txt files will be stored. This directory must be writable by the web and if you care about security should not be in a web accessable directory. txt path: Type of Image Processor: The Image Processor is what is used to thumbnail, rotate, alter your gallery images. You need to choose ONE Option from below to thumbnail the images: 1. netPBM(Recommended) - if selected provide the full path to the binaries for jpegtopnm, ppmtogif, etc... CLICK HERE for Binaries for NetPBM Homepage for NetPBM 2. PHP GD Libraries - if selected the gallery will use the PHP GD libraries to thumbnail the images. 3. no image processing - if you select this option you will have to create the thumbnails yourself and do any image proccessing (size, rotate, etc..) using something like photoshop on your own computer. Image Processor: If netpbm or ImageMagick is selected above you need to provide the full path to the proccessor. for the full path to the processor do not include the last slash in the path .. for example enter in /full/path/www/netpbm not /full/path/www/netpbm/ Hints: Imagemagick tends to be a path like /usr/X11R6/bin Be sure that all of the binary files are executable i.e. chmod 755 Full Path to Processor: Require User Registration: You have the option of having the gallery only allow registered users to log in and see the images. if this is selected to YES then only users with usernames and passwords can access the images.. Registeration required: Registration options: IF YES for Registeration required then: RecommendedI want users to enter in a username/name but they do not need to enter in a password. I just want to know the names of the people looking at the gallery. Some accounts that do have passwords assigned to them by admin will be asked for a password. I do not want to allow users to register on their own and will assign the usernames and passwords myself. Users can register for access online. Users can register for access online and will automaticlly be given a Gallery to add images to. Welche Eintragungen muß Ich jetzt bei MySQL database: Vornehmen?
  3. Wer kann Mir Bitte Helfen? Welche Eintragungen muß Ich genau machen? Mysql Database:

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