falls noch von interesse könnte das vielleicht helfen.
If this is the first time you have issued the genevent command from the Beta system, then
you may see an error message. You will need to enable the genevent tool. Use the
following procedure, if needed:
__ c. Compile the DiagnosticProviderSchema.mof in root/ibmsd:
mofcomp -N:root\ibmsd -class:safeupdate "c:\Program Files\Common
__ d. Compile the DiagnosticProviderRegistration.mof in root/PG_InterOp:
mofcomp -N:root\PG_InterOp -class:safeupdate "c:\Program Files\Common
__ e. Stop the wmicimserver.
net stop wmicimserver
__ f. Stop wmicpa.
taskkill /F /IM wmicpa.exe
__ g. Stop wmiprsve.
taskkill /F /IM wmiprvse.exe
__ h. Restart the wmicimserver.
net start wmicimserver
__ i. Wait about five minutes so that the stack is completely up and running.
__ j. Rerun the genevent command.