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Über bojan23
- Geburtstag 10/12/1977
Any recommendation for schools in Berlin and Munich
bojan23 antwortete auf bojan23's Thema in Ausbildung im IT-Bereich
of course it stops me... its called money or monthly budget to live and pay rent and all people not living on there "parents tit" need it to survive the months which is coming. when you say apprenticeship, do you mean ausbildung or praktikum? anyway, umschulung is the only option for me because 'till the end of umschulung i get 60% of my average salary in last 2 years from arbeitsagentur and that would be way over 1000e. for ausbildung i would get round 500 or so? and for praktikum? something funny i guess... so... -
Any recommendation for schools in Berlin and Munich
bojan23 antwortete auf bojan23's Thema in Ausbildung im IT-Bereich
i'm getting a voucher from arbeitsagentur, so its umschulung definitely. ok, let's say 25k it's more likely according to other threads about salary on this forum. it's a step back, but eventually i will go up again. still, there is a question what school, how much i will learn in umschulung (which is only option unfortunately) and will i be ready for ihk exam after... @hbspike - tnx for a vote for FISI -
Any recommendation for schools in Berlin and Munich
bojan23 erstellte Thema in Ausbildung im IT-Bereich
i still didn't choose between FISI and FIAE, but i'm slowly searching for appropriate school for umschulung in berlin and in a worst case scenario in munich. i have interests in networking, penetration testing, linux, SAP (don't have any experience in any of those things) and also wouldn't go for a job which would be lower then 30k a year, so its pretty hard to decide what would be the better path for me (FISI or FIAE). those are the schools which i found in berlin so far: IHK-Berlin CBW College Berufliche Weiterbildung GmbH BBQ (Baumann Bildung & Qualifizierung) GPB - Berlin Cimdata Media Academy BFW can someone recommend me some of this schools? all other advices about everything and anything are most welcome... Danke im Voraus -
which umschulung or not to umschulung?
bojan23 antwortete auf bojan23's Thema in Ausbildung im IT-Bereich
what are the chances to pass or to fall on that ihk exam at the end? and if i can't pass it for some reason did i throw 2 years of my life or i can nonetheless find entry level job with things that i learned for those 2 years of umschulung? -
which umschulung or not to umschulung?
bojan23 antwortete auf bojan23's Thema in Ausbildung im IT-Bereich
after reading about this umschulung and checking what could i do after i finished it, i would like to ask you am i wrong in my thoughts or there is something right in my conclusions. so my first choice would be umschulung for Anwendungsentwicklung. let’s say for example that i would go in one of those two schools (they both have program of study): Fachinformatiker Anwendungsentwicklung Berlin: GPB Berlin WBS TRAINING AG: Umschulung zum/zur Fachinformatiker/in FR Anwendungsentwicklung (inkl. Vorbereitung auf die IHK-Prüfung) - WBS TRAINING AG[quarter]=30&cHash=cafb572c74b98870517f7eaef9787a3c in the best case scenario (with full optimistic approach) i can follow german classes and learn lots of stuff in english and i pass ihk exam. now question is what did i learn in school and what can i do in real life? after looking at jobboerse, i don't see how i can apply anywhere and i think i need to know much more even for entry level jobs. with Systemintegration i think i get not such a cool and perspective job, not so much money from it, but after finishing the school i have a feeling that i could find a job from what i learned in school. even if that would be in worst case scenario some job in pc store. if i would choose this umschulung i would like to learn about linux, networks and do something like network admin or whatever and i would like to avoid to work as customer support. any thoughts? -
which umschulung or not to umschulung?
bojan23 antwortete auf bojan23's Thema in Ausbildung im IT-Bereich
which umschulung or not to umschulung?
bojan23 antwortete auf bojan23's Thema in Ausbildung im IT-Bereich
well that's a thing, this is how and what i understood and what i do not ... for umschulung i guess it’s different than with ausbildung. i go to some kind of school for 2 years and i have praktikum (during or after the school don’t know yet for sure) in companies which have relationship with that school. i guess it’s possible to find on your own as well and it last for 6 months or so. what i don’t understand still is more about what i actually learn there and what kind of job i can apply after D' umschulung. :upps i saw few movies on berufenet and youtube about both fachinformatiker anw. and sys. for anw. is pretty clear. for someone without any experience it seems really hard to follow that tempo and learn language after language in programming. also i think lot of more math is involved, which could be a problem. for this i do believe that lot of stuff is in english and that after u can find a work pretty easy. Positive would also be that I can do that from home, from park or from space :bimei for systemintegration i don't know did i understand what do i learn in school. i saw some videos where they r calling ppl to come for umschulung and they r showing class which is learning microsoft and linux administration and it looks like a course for mcsa(mcse), lpic or ccna or all in once. also some hardware, how to connect, how to put all together etc. so that would be like what i have in company’s IT support right now. support for pc problems, installation, cisco ip phone support etc. that job i find much easier and i already know something in that topic, but i think it’s less perspective and paid than anw (no offence :pssst:). on berufenet i also saw movies for IT systemelektroniker and for systemelektroniker (ohne IT ) they are showing some stadtwerke, some airport, how azubi’s working on some smoke alarm systems and some other things. also for the other various electronic systems, but i guess that’s not important for this forum and it’s something completely off-topic, although i would like to know about those as well. ...and... i live in münchen right know, but i think i'm gonna move to berlin and start umschulung there. anyway, thank you all so far for responces and any tips (about companies or anything else) are very welcome. -
which umschulung or not to umschulung?
bojan23 antwortete auf bojan23's Thema in Ausbildung im IT-Bereich
:new i'm 35 years old. i made and administrate network for 5 pc's in winXP long time ago, i worked on software sales in one IT company for few months, i was it journalist for 8 years and i considered my interests in IT always as hobby so far. so, all in all, no real experience, just good will and interest in this beruf. since i'm in position to choose which kind of job i would like to do in my future and since i need to specialize in something in my life, then i would like that something to be something i like and something i'm at least interested in. although florist would be very interesting choice as well. :uli -
hi, first of all i'm sorry that i write in english and not in german, but my test fuer zuwanderer (b1lvl) wouldn’t be enough to write what i want in few hours. i live in germany for 2 years (i plan to move to berlin in september or october) and since my contract in company i’m working right now is expiring i went to arbeitsagentur for advice. i worked in media for 10 years in my home country, but since i can’t do that here i’m looking for new beruf. the guy from agency offered me voucher for fachinformatiker anwendungsentwicklung or for fachinformatiker systemintegration. he said that i could do it even though i have only b1 german level, that i will learn more language by going to umschulung, that i’m not the only auslaender and if others can pass ihk i can as well. that’s very nice from him from motivations side, but the things that are worrying me would be that if i get fachliteratur from several hundred pages i can spend weeks and months trying to go through and books for learning IT with 900 pages are pretty usual thing. if someone is speeking german, situation is a little bit better, ‘cause i can’t understand every word, but i can mostly understand what is it about. i also believe there is plenty of english words and phrases in learning IT anywhere, but still… so, as a first and biggest thing that concerns me would be language. then there are things like, i learned math and physics 20 years ago in school, everyday use of both is somewhere still here but everything else is long long gone. the things that i like for both options are that they are very perspective, that i can much easier find a job when i have a real beruf, especially one of those two, that i always loved IT and i was always happy to learn something new. since my friend installed in front of me my first windows 98, i installed every other system to myself aloneand most of my friends ofc. I was always the guy which was called by friends to solve their pc problem or to tell them what to buy. i learn practically and when i see how something is done i can usually easily remember it. i know it’s not something spectacular in comparation with real things that most of you know, but i do think I have some predispositions for learning in IT. I would be very thankful if anyone can give me their opinion or any kind of advice connected with this topic.