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  1. Hi, Badly, it didn't work. I paste you my log of my shrew soft client on pastebin for more simplicity: [Logtalk] Log Bintec R230a VPN Certificate - Pastebin.com My log bintec speak about vendor id and no proposal chosen, no more...
  2. I tried with Bintec Client but the same error appears. Yes, I checked that but no moves.
  3. Nothing changes :upps
  4. I start from the beginning again with console, I hope this time it works.
  5. I also tried ^^" Without PFS Group, with it. IP Compression, no IP Compression...
  6. My phase 2 accept All Algorithm and I try all algorithm which I have in shrew soft client. But nothing changes.
  7. Yes it's the good configuration phase 2. That's one week i'm on this message
  8. @Crash2001 But when I tried everything, i change phase 1 with other configuration than Bintec but I have also the same message error. (Sorry for my english)
  9. I don't reach phase 2. Are you sure ?
  10. Yes, and I also configured via console.
  11. "I check configuration phase-1 profile in my Bintec and in my client but it’s the same. I try a lot of encryption mode (AES-MD5…), auto mode with DH Exchange, Policy, and DNS..." So, yes I already check that.
  12. It's good, I found but the same message : P1: peer 3 (...) sa 10 ®: failed ip x.x.x.x <- ip y.y.y.y (No proposal chosen)
  13. The same error message with the lastest firmware... I also tried to create again Phase 1 and 2.
  14. No logs appears in my bintec with your commands. : ( I will try with update the firmware.
  15. Hi everybody, I am trying to setup a VPN access between shrew soft client versions 2.2.2 (Standard Edition) and a Bintec R230a (or Bintec RS230a) with certificate authentication. I used OpenSSL, XCA (Freeware) and also Bintec client but I always have the same problem: when I try to connect my computer to VPN, I get this log (get by VPN Trace Shrew Soft): 14/02/17 14:39:22 DB : phase1 found 14/02/17 14:39:22 DB : phase1 ref increment ( ref count = 2, obj count = 1 ) 14/02/17 14:39:22 ii : processing informational packet ( 102 bytes ) 14/02/17 14:39:22 =< : cookies aa86417eb208a4ef:a112df24d3e33898 14/02/17 14:39:22 =< : message 7fc5b7a7 14/02/17 14:39:22 << : notification payload 14/02/17 14:39:22 ii : received peer NO-PROPOSAL-CHOSEN notification 14/02/17 14:39:22 ii : - xx.xx.xx.xx:500 -> 14/02/17 14:39:22 ii : - isakmp spi = aa86417eb208a4ef:a112df24d3e33898 14/02/17 14:39:22 ii : - data size 46 Of course, I check ports of my Bintec and they are open (500-4500). I use for this log an IKE config pull, but I try already with a static configuration IP. I check configuration phase-1 profile in my Bintec and in my client but it’s the same. I try a lot of encryption mode (AES-MD5…), auto mode with DH Exchange, Policy, and DNS... I think I try every configuration which we have in shrew soft client. If that help you, I use a domain name and my Bintec is behind a modem. When I saw it’s doesn’t work, I used this tutorial: http://www.neo-one.de/downloads/dokumente/Teldat%20[bintec%20IPSec]/IKEv2%20zwischen%20bintec%20IPSec%20Client%20und%20Gateway%20mit%20Zertifikaten.pdf To simplify, I want use Authentication Method Mutual RSA but whatever I use, I have also the same error message: “NO-PROPOSAL-CHOSENâ€

Fachinformatiker.de, 2024 by SE Internet Services


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