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Alle Inhalte von Grimlet

  1. Eine Alternative wäre ein Induktionsherd. Man benötigt aber entsprechend auch induktionsgeeignete Pfannen und Töpfe.
  2. Hast du die Ports im Router mal alle freigegeben so als Test? Besteht das Problem dann immer noch?
  3. Ne ädaquat nicht, dafür ist der Koffeingehalt zu gering . Aber es hat dafür eine beruhigende Wirkung auf den Magen nach einer Mahlzeit.
  4. Ich trinke meistens nachdem Mittagessen Grüner Tee. Morgens meistens nie was, weil ich vom Radeln hellwach bin. Und ich mag kein Kaffee.
  5. Geht die Warnung weg, wenn du die Helligkeit auf 99% stellst?
  6. Hallo Chief, versuchs mal damit. Ich hoffe ich habe die Problematik richtig verstanden. link
  7. Ist das vielleicht Sacred?
  8. Richtig
  9. Ah oh mein Gott, long time no see. Da war Peter Molyneux noch super mit seinen Spieleideen. Viele Stunden wurden hier verbracht, das müsste Black and White sein! Ich glaube der 2. Teil?
  10. dynasty warriors xy
  11. Hi, HotS ist momentan das einzige Spiel was ich aktiv nebenher zocke. Es ist momentan eine richtige Hassliebe. Ich komme ursprünglich aus der Dota2 szene. Das Beste ist: Die Matches dauern durchschnittlich 20min, es gibt keine Items oder Last Hitting. Eigentlich super für Games zwischendurch wie ich finde. Aber das Matchmaking ist noch Baustelle. Ich spiele hauptsächlich Ranked und eiere ständig um Diamond 3 mit keiner Aussicht auf Master, was mich etwas frustriert. :/ Aber ansonsten ist das Spiel seit 2.0 in Sachen lootboxen besser geworden. Ich gebe wenig Geld für virtuelle Genstände aus aber seit dem Patch erhält man genug von den Zeug. Ich spiele eigentlich alle Helden gerne außer the lost vikings. Lieblinge sind paar Nischenhelden auf bestimmten Maps, wie Rexxar auf Braxis Holdout oder Chromie auf Towers of doom.
  12. Amazon Prime, Twitch und ab und zu Netflix, wenn was Gutes läuft. Der Amazon Prime Content ist okay. Netflix hat da manchmal mehr Auswahl und die Eigenproduktion von Netflix sind auch nicht schlecht.
  13. Erstmal, danke für den Thread. Ich habe es letztes Wochenende mit meinen Brüder im LAN gespielt. Die 20 Euros bei GOG haben sich super gelohnt. Wir sind aber noch nicht durch, weil wir ständig damit beschäftigt waren die Prozesse zu optimieren oder Lösungen für den Produktionsstau zu finden. Also bis zum Raketenstart dauert es noch. Das Beste ist: Das Spiel wird noch fleißig weiterentwickelt und da steckt so viel Potential für Erweiterungen.
  14. @Mttkrbrichtig . Du bist dran
  15. @Tician Ich musste nach 2 Wochen Funkstille bissel nachhelfen. Das Spiel ist mir noch nie untergekommen trotz unseren ähnlichen Alters. Es geht weiter! Einer meiner Lieblingsspiele:
  16. Ok here it goes, I'm trying to revive this thread. So I recently started watching American Gods. It's currently on Amazon Prime. There two Episodes out yet. The series is a film adaption by the book of Neil Gaiman. I have it on my bookshelf somewhere but I lost interest while reading it . Now after seeing it I'm considering to take another look at it. I really like it so far. It's quite bloody and has some nude scenes. The overall atmosphere is very dark which I enjoy. There are some actors I'm still wondering what god is he playing?! Have anyone else seen it? Or other series? Another question, mother's day will be on sunday. Did you have any plans or gifts for your lovely mother? Please correct my mistakes.
  17. warlords 3?
  18. @Carwyn Did you know Lin-Manuel Miranda will be in the next Mary Poppins movie? Also I really like Emily Blunt.
  19. You should definitely check out Les Mis(I like the 10th anniversary the most, 25th is good too) and the Phantom of the Opera(25th anniversary I love the chemistry between the two main actors). These two are my favorites. I don’t know any of the other musicals you’ve mentioned. xD I’ve heard about Starlight Express but that’s about it. I’m not much of musical connoisseur. But I will take a look at it. Yeah Disney movies are great too for musicals. That kind of reminds of a song I’ve been listening for a while in the past. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n15UKexKf4k) Go listen to that if you need some work done! XD About La La Land, I love the movie! I actually saw it at the premiere and it was ladies night. But I didn't care. It was totally worth it! I like to listen to the soundtrack while I'm commuting. The most cheesiest part was probably the dancing in the galaxy thingy(what do you call it?) when they suddenly started to lift up and continued dancing in the stars haha whatever. I also knew that Lin-Manuel Miranda was involved in Moana. I mistakenly thought he might have sung the theme song, but he was just the songwriter. Anyway another movie I still have to see. Interesting, I didn’t know he won so many awards! Impressive for his age. Sounds good I will wait patiently for the Movie. How nice of you to make recommendation list. I have the soundtrack somewhere but still prefer to see the performance first preferably with Subtitles.
  20. That's on my watchlist, I'm still waiting for the DVD release or movie whatever is coming. I heard so much about it in the news. It seems to be very popular in broadway. I'm not a fan of rap though. Do you like Les Miserables or Phantom of the Opera?
  21. @CarwynNot entirely it was a small part as a revision for some students who needed that. The rest are discussions about how to build a pc, advising customers and how companies are structured. it matters
  22. You don't have to defend yourself, we all make mistakes. We are here to learn remember? Yeah it is, I'll try to translate it for you without the use of google. through = durch tough = hart thorough = gründlich thought = Überlegung though = jedoch @CarwynAw that's unfortunate. You were maybe to eager to please the teacher or blinded by love for the subject. xD I'm almost in the same shoes like you back then. I'm really bored with simple present, present progressive at the moment... and having english class every 2nd week makes progress very slow...
  23. Sounds like my day. Sure I'll take you out, just the two of us having candle light dinner under the moon. What flowers do you like? Japanese or italian food? After that we can spend the evening with Netflix and chill. I'm just kidding... Where do you live?
  24. @abby6 month in a french school? I envy you. I used to live near Elsass and watched a lot of french cartoons without understanding a single word^^. I still had french in school though but I'm really bad at it. "Again what learnt" oh god... how do you make it sound right? After googling it's "Learning never stops" or "Something else that I've learned". not sure about this one, will struggle forever or will be struggling forever... @UlfmannSame here! I still remember the word my teacher asked which was "realm". I knew the word because I used play wow back then. XD @CarwynAw, we were forced to learn vocabs regulary because our teacher would do a pop quiz every now and then. So failing in front of the class was kind of embarrassing because two of us were taken in front of the blackboard. Me too! You learn best if it's something that goes along with a hobby or something. In my case iit started with gaming. I also have a strong desire to look up words that are unknown to me. I just have to know what it means, jeez! @all Tomorrow will be valentines day! So what plans did you guys make with your loved ones? Ladies, did you receive any roses,gifts? Isn't valentines day just another commercial bullshit that influences us to spent more money because advertisements, society is telling us to do so? If you find any mistakes please do correct me!

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