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Was ist für diesen Job angemessen? "Temporary Tele Partner Technology Specialist" bei Microsoft.

Ich glaub, den Job habe ich in irgendeiner Stellenbörse mit einem Label "60.000 EUR +" (ja, sechzigtausend) gesehen, aber so ganz kann ich das nicht glauben.

Was meint ihr? 45K-50K?



Microsoft is making significant investments in partner support and enablement. Part of these efforts will be driven by the Microsoft Global Partner Support Delivery Group (GPSD), which is responsible for measurable improvements in Partner Satisfaction. The newly created Presales Technical Support function will play a key role in the support of Microsoft Partners during the sales process.

To extend our activities in the area of Presales Technical support we are currently seeking new employees on a full time basis.

Are you looking for an in interesting new challenge?

Presales Technical Support main role is to support Microsoft Partners in a manner that ensures the Partner are empowered with the information needed to make appropriate purchase decisions for themselves and for the Partners customers. The focus of the T-PTS is to act as a conduit for technical pre-sales and non-technical information for Microsoft Partners and ensuring a high partner satisfaction with the service.

- Technical pre-sales support includes answers to questions about product features, configuration, and compatibility.

- Non technical presale provides answers to sales-related questions including licensing and competitive analysis and positioning.

Pre-sales support professionals will be able to escalate highly complex and strategic competitive issues to Microsofts product teams as appropriate.

- Candidates require an excellent knowledge around the Microsoft products.

- At least 2 years of work experience in relevant position

- Bachelors or Masters degree recommended in a technical area. Otherwise additional 3 to 5 years of demonstrated working experience in a similar technical field required

- MCSE, MCSA and other certifications are a plus

- A demonstrated ability to solve complex technical issues in self-sufficient manner

- Show high commitment and motivation even und remain calm even under stress full conditions

- Very good knowledge of English

- Excellent knowledge of German



Pre Sales wird immer gut bezahlt (ist ja eine reine Beratungstätig), allerdings ist da meistens ne heftige Umsatzbeteiligung dabei, d.h sehr erfolgsorientiert. Ist ein ganz normaler Beraterjob mit burn-out Garantie. Das is 60k+ zu finden ist durchaus normal.

  sxs schrieb:
Ist ein ganz normaler Beraterjob mit burn-out Garantie. Das is 60k+ zu finden ist durchaus normal.

Ich denke, dass der Job zentral erledigt wird, von einem Schreibtisch in Unterschleissheim aus ("Temporary Tele Partner Technology Specialist"). D.h. wenig bis keine Reisetätigkeit --> weniger Gedl

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