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Ich habe einen Samba aufegsetzt. Nun soll aber jeder fremde Rechner draufzugreifen können. Bisher kann nur ein eingeríchteter User daraufzugreifen.

Es soll aber generell für jeden zugänglich sein. Wie? :confused:




Hier ein kleiner Auszug aus der Samba-Doku...

guest account (S)

This is a username which will be used for access to services which are specified as 'guest ok' (see below). Whatever privileges this user has will be available to any client connecting to the guest service. Typically this user will exist in the password file, but will not have a valid login. The user account "ftp" is often a good choice for this parameter. If a username is specified in a given service, the specified username overrides this one.

One some systems the default guest account "nobody" may not be able to print. Use another account in this case. You should test this by trying to log in as your guest user (perhaps by using the "su -" command) and trying to print using the system print command such as lpr (1) or lp (1).

Default: specified at compile time, usually "nobody"

Example: guest account = ftp

guest ok (S)

If this parameter is 'yes' for a service, then no password is required to connect to the service. Privileges will be those of the guest account.

See the section below on security for more information about this option.

Default: guest ok = no

Example: guest ok = yes

Hope it helps,


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