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hallo...ich bin neu hier und lerne den Beruf IT-Systemkaufmann...

ich hab gerade ein problem...:(

und zwar habe ich mir MySQL runter geladen und installiert und ich bekomme jetzt andauern diese meldung in mindestens 15 fenstern gleichzeitig...:

Access violation at address 10002593 in module 'LIBMYSQL.dll'. Read of address 00000000.

ich würde mich freuen, wenn mir jemand weiterhelfen könnte...^^

Danke schonmal im Vorraus...Christian...^^ :)



laut Google hilft wohl das hier.

I think I've found the solution. Ignore the dialog box popping up every 10s or so, and open up winmysqladmin. There's a tab 'my.ini Setup'. Go there.

You'll find the contents of the my.ini file in a textarea and at the bottom it indicates:



Now this is the first time I've installed XAMPP, so I don't know what it did before but I noticed MySQL installs with a default of 'root' and NO password. You can test this by removing the password so that your entries now say:



And then click the Save Modifications button. This *should* stop the popups. If it does you've got 2 options:

1. Leave it like that and continue with root and no password (which I think is bad)

2. Leave winMySQLAdmin like it is, and rather go and change MySQL to have root and password of 'password'. At any rate there should be SOME password.

Apache Forum :: View topic - Access violation at address 10002593


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