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WSUS Installation bricht mit Fehler ab

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WSUS Installation bricht mit Fehler ab, Logfile siehe unten. Jemand eine Idee?

Windows 2000 Server , Updatetechnisch fehlt das ein oder andere

2008-09-15 15:41:00 Success MWUSSetup WSUS Server Setup Started.

2008-09-15 15:41:00 Success MWUSSetup Parsing command line arguments

2008-09-15 15:41:00 Success MWUSSetup WSUS Setup: Performing Install

2008-09-15 15:41:01 Success MWUSSetup Validating pre-requisites

2008-09-15 15:41:02 Success MWUSSetup .Net framework SP1 is detected on this machine

2008-09-15 15:41:02 Success MWUSSetup Creating WSUS registry key

2008-09-15 15:41:02 Success MWUSSetup Initializing installation details

2008-09-15 15:41:02 Success MWUSSetup Initializing wizard

2008-09-15 15:41:09 Success MWUSSetup SQL version: 8

2008-09-15 15:42:02 Success MWUSSetup Installing ASP.Net

2008-09-15 15:42:44 Success MWUSSetup Asp.Net is installed successfully

2008-09-15 15:42:44 Success MWUSSetup ASP.Net is installed successfully

2008-09-15 15:42:44 Success MWUSSetup MSXML2 is already installed on this machine

2008-09-15 15:42:44 Success MWUSSetup Initializing MWUS installation

2008-09-15 15:42:44 Success MWUSSetup Installing PSFSIP

2008-09-15 15:42:45 Success MWUSSetup PSFSIP Installed Successfully

2008-09-15 15:42:45 Success MWUSSetup Copying installation settings to the registry

2008-09-15 15:42:45 Success MWUSSetup Installing MSUS...

2008-09-15 15:42:45 Success MWUSSetup Installing MWUS With Command Line SETUP_EXE=1 WUS_INSTALLMODE="128" AUTHENTICATED_USERS="NT-AUTORITÄT\Authentifizierte Benutzer" CONTENT_LOCAL="1" SQLINSTANCE_NAME="%computername%\WSUS" CUSTOMACTION_LOG="C:\Programme\Update Services\LogFiles\WSUSCa_080915_1541.log" REPLICA_PARE

2008-09-15 15:42:45 Success CustomActions.Dll .Net framework path: C:\WINNT\Microsoft.Net\Framework\v1.1.4322

2008-09-15 15:42:48 Success CustomActions.Dll Creating WSUS-Administratoren user group

2008-09-15 15:42:48 Success CustomActions.Dll Successfully created WSUS-Administratoren user group

2008-09-15 15:43:21 Success CustomActions.Dll Successfully configured the database

2008-09-15 15:43:22 Info IISCustomAction Performing Setup Action, Command /Install

2008-09-15 15:45:25 Info IISCustomAction Command /Install Succeeded

2008-09-15 15:45:57 Success CustomActions.Dll Successfully created shortcut for WSUS website

2008-09-15 15:45:59 Success MWUSSetup WSUS Installed Successfully

2008-09-15 15:45:59 Success MWUSSetup MWUS is installed successfully. Performing post MWUS install operations

2008-09-15 15:45:59 Success MWUSSetup Installing Client Self Update Binaries

2008-09-15 15:46:20 Success MWUSSetup Installation of client selfupdate files successful

2008-09-15 15:46:20 Success MWUSSetup Initializing WSUS Server

2008-09-15 15:46:29 Error MWUSSetup Bad Exit from Redist Installer, code = -1 (Error 0x80004005: Unbekannter Fehler)

2008-09-15 15:46:29 Error MWUSSetup CInstaller::StartServer failed. (Error 0x80004005: Unbekannter Fehler)

2008-09-15 15:46:29 Error MWUSSetup Initialization of WSUS Server failed. (Error 0x80004005: Unbekannter Fehler)

2008-09-15 15:46:29 Error MWUSSetup PerformInstall failed (Error 0x80004005: Unbekannter Fehler)

2008-09-15 15:46:29 Success MWUSSetup Rolling back Installation

2008-09-15 15:46:29 Success MWUSSetup WSUS Server installation failed. You can look at C:\Programme\Update Services\LogFiles\WSUSCa_080915_1541.log file to determine the cause of the failure

2008-09-15 15:46:55 Success MWUSSetup Uninstalling MWUS

2008-09-15 15:46:56 Success CustomActions.Dll .Net framework path: C:\WINNT\Microsoft.Net\Framework\v1.1.4322

2008-09-15 15:47:03 Success CustomActions.Dll Deleting WSUS-Administratoren user group

2008-09-15 15:47:03 Success CustomActions.Dll Successfully delete WSUS-Administratoren user group

2008-09-15 15:47:07 Info IISCustomAction Setup-Aktion wird durchgeführt, Befehl /Uninstall

2008-09-15 15:47:07 Info IISCustomAction Befehl /Uninstall war erfolgreich

2008-09-15 15:47:23 Success CustomActions.Dll WSUS website shortcut is deleted successfully

2008-09-15 15:47:31 Success MWUSSetup Uninstalling the selfupate tree

2008-09-15 15:47:39 Success MWUSSetup SelfUpdateTree Uninstall Succeeded

2008-09-15 15:47:39 Error MWUSSetup Failed to copy Setup\UninstallHelper.exe to C:\DOKUME~1\VBA2C~1.MIN\LOKALE~1\Temp\1\UninstallHelper.exe (Error 0x80070003: Das System kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden.)

2008-09-15 15:47:39 Success MWUSSetup StringObtained: Microsoft Windows Server Update Services konnte nicht installiert werden. Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie in den Setup-Protokollen "C:\Programme\Update Services\LogFiles\WSUSCa_080915_1541.log" und "C:\Programme\Update Services\LogFiles\WSUSSetup_080915_1541.l

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