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wie werden in w2k3 server die remote access policies abgearbeitet. folgendes beispiel:

your remote access server has one policy with the following settings:

conditions: allow access from 5am to 7pm, sunday through saturday

permissions: deny access

profile: restrict access to 00:00-24:00, monday through friday

at 6pm on staurday, user plory dials in and tries to connect to the remote access server. plorys user account is set to allow access.

will the connection be granted??

1) no, access is not allowed

2) yes, the conditions allow access during this time

3) no, none of the conditions match

4) yes, the conditions match and the user account allows access

5)no, profile settings restrict access to monday through friday

Wenn jemand die lösung weiß, bitte erklärt mir den hintergrund, wie und warum das so ist..ich verstehe den hintergrund nicht..

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