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i still didn't choose between FISI and FIAE, but i'm slowly searching for appropriate school for umschulung in berlin and in a worst case scenario in munich.

i have interests in networking, penetration testing, linux, SAP (don't have any experience in any of those things) and also wouldn't go for a job which would be lower then 30k a year, so its pretty hard to decide what would be the better path for me (FISI or FIAE).

those are the schools which i found in berlin so far:


CBW College Berufliche Weiterbildung GmbH

BBQ (Baumann Bildung & Qualifizierung)

GPB - Berlin


Media Academy


can someone recommend me some of this schools?

all other advices about everything and anything are most welcome...

Danke im Voraus

Bearbeitet von bojan23

Are you looking for a full 2.5-3y apprenticeship or just a "Umschulung".

Without any experience getting more then 30k € is really hard. oppi is right on that one.

However if you choose the apprenticeship you will get your experience and 30k+ € is reasonable target-salary.

Sadly I'm not from Munich or Berlin (Cologne here), so on this one I can't help you, but I would guess FISI would be the right path.

With kind regards



i'm getting a voucher from arbeitsagentur, so its umschulung definitely. ok, let's say 25k it's more likely according to other threads about salary on this forum. it's a step back, but eventually i will go up again. still, there is a question what school, how much i will learn in umschulung (which is only option unfortunately) and will i be ready for ihk exam after...

@hbspike - tnx for a vote for FISI :)


why is "umschulung" the only option? nothing will stop you from getting a normal apprenticeship in a company, except the language barrier maybe, but that is just a matter of choice, you should be able to find international companies in your target areas without too much problems.

why is "umschulung" the only option? nothing will stop you from getting a normal apprenticeship in a company, except the language barrier maybe, but that is just a matter of choice, you should be able to find international companies in your target areas without too much problems.

of course it stops me... its called money or monthly budget to live and pay rent and all people not living on there "parents tit" need it to survive the months which is coming. when you say apprenticeship, do you mean ausbildung or praktikum? anyway, umschulung is the only option for me because 'till the end of umschulung i get 60% of my average salary in last 2 years from arbeitsagentur and that would be way over 1000e. for ausbildung i would get round 500 or so? and for praktikum? something funny i guess... so...


Funny thing, lots of Azubis here manage to actually live on such a small budget ;) I was referring to the "Ausbildung". But yes, once you are used to a certain standard and have the possibility to actually continue living that way it might be hard to give it up :)

networking, penetration testing, linux, SAP

This looks more like a FISI set of skills you are looking for, even though you will need to be able to program and understand code to be really good at pentesting. Same goes for SAP, ABAP programmers should get decent money after a couple of months.

You say that you do not have any experience in these fields at all, yet you would get quite a high amount of money to live of from the Arbeitsagentur, so you have to be skilled at something. Would you mind sharing what this is? Knowing in which areas you are strong and experienced at might actually reveal an affinity for one or the other.

Money usually comes along when you are really good in what you do, which is easier if you like what you are doing and are actually skilled. You can be a master programmer but if you try to force yourself into networking and do a mediocre job, you will only get below average pay.

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