bimei Geschrieben 14. Januar 2002 Geschrieben 14. Januar 2002 Moinsen, nachdem ich mich (und den Rechner) nun lange genug gequält habe, hinterlass ich euch mal hier ein nettes Office-Outlookproblemchen. OS Win95 Office 97 Outlook 2000 Nach Einloggen in Novell startet ein Task "Office 2000 Dateioptimierung", der, wenn man ihn nicht sofort mit Ctrl+Alt+Del beendet, den Rechner einfrieren lässt. Ein Neustart ist dann nur durch aus-einschalten möglich. Erfolglose Versuche den Task zu entfernen: 1. Autostart --> nix 2. Systemdateien --> nix 3. Registry (Run, RunServices, RunOnce etc.) --> nix 4. Tipp, die CD von Outlook im Laufwerk zu belassen ( siehe hier ) --> nix 5. De- und Neuinstallation Office und Outlook --> nix Hat noch irgendjemand eine zündende Idee? (Bitte keine Vorschläge zur Neuinstallation und sonstige Bemerkungen zur Mischinstallation, hab z. Zt. leider keine Möglichkeit, das zu ändern. Hab noch zwei Rechner mit gleicher Konfiguration, die das Problem nicht haben.) Danke Euch schonmal. Zitieren
BunteKuh Geschrieben 14. Januar 2002 Geschrieben 14. Januar 2002 Wenn ich das mal hier so reinkopieren darf... If you want to prevent the Microsoft Office 2000 File Optimizer from ever starting, follow these steps. NOTE : Turning off the Microsoft Office 2000 File Optimizer so that it never runs may significantly increase the startup times for the Office programs. NOTE : The File Optimizer is installed only on computers that are running on Microsoft Windows 95 or Microsoft Windows 98. So there is no need to perform these steps if you are using Microsoft Windows NT. Click Start , and then click Run . In the Open box, type Regedit and then click OK . Search the registry for the following keys: HKEY_Local_Machine\Software\Microsoft\Office\9.0\Common HKEY_Current_User\Software\Microsoft\Office\9.0\Common Modify the key(s) according to the steps that follow. If you have a subkey called TuneUp , skip ahead to step 8. On the Edit menu, point to New and then click Key . With New Key #1 selected (highlighted), type TuneUp and then press ENTER. With TuneUp selected, point to New on the Edit menu, and then click DWORD Value . With New Value #1 selected, type Disabled and then press ENTER. Double-click Disabled . Change the Value data to 1 , and then click OK . On the Registry menu, click Exit . How to Disable Starting the File Optimizer on Windows Restart If Office previously determined that the File Optimizer needed to run, you may have a value in the Windows registry to start the File Optimizer the next time that Windows starts. To manually turn off (disable) the running of the File Optimizer on Windows startup, follow these steps: Click Start , and then click Run . In the Open box, type Regedit and then click OK . Search the registry for the following keys: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce HKEY_Current_User\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce Modify the key(s) according to the steps that follow. Look in the Name column of the right pane for OfficeTuneUp , and click to select it. With OfficeTuneUp selected, click Delete on the Edit menu, and then click Yes to confirm deleting the value. On the Registry menu, click Exit . If you have turned off the File Optimizer from automatically running, you can always start it manually by double-clicking Otuneup.exe in the \Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office folder. Gruß, BunteKuh Zitieren
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