Nopp Geschrieben 19. September 2014 Geschrieben 19. September 2014 Hi Leute, ich hab von folgender Seite: How to automatically shut down VMware ESXi gracefully during power failure using an APC UPS. ein Script zum sauberen herunterfahren aller VMs auf einem ESX Host heruntergeladen und bin den Anweisungen auch treu geblieben. Ich bekomme aber eine Fehlermeldung. Ich bin selber kein Programmierer, weswegen ich hier etwas Hilfe brauche... Anbei das Script mit anschließende Fehler. REM REM *** ESXi Shutdown Script for use with free-licensed ESXi *** REM REM Primarily designed to shutdown an ESXi server under UPS management software REM control, i.e. APC PowerChute. REM REM Performs a graceful ESXi shutdown - note that the server will ultimately REM be powered off after VMs are suspended or shutdown, depending on their REM configuration. As a result, when utility power is restored, the host REM *will not restart* itself (unless the UPS battery was completely REM depleted and the server BIOS was appropriately configured). REM REM REM Written by James Pearce (vmware communities user ID J1mbo REM ( REM REM Version 4 (being for use with ESXi 4) REM - tested against ESXi 4 U1 from a Windows 2003 VM REM - completed 09-Dec-09 REM REM Usage: Shutdown.bat [hostname] [username] [password] REM REM [hostname] must be valid DNS name or an IP address REM [username] is a user with shutdown rights, i.e. root REM [password] is as used to connect to vSphere Client with the specificed REM username. REM REM Usage is logged to shutdown.log, stored in the same directory as the script. REM REM Depends on supporting text files: REM REM - open-1.txt - Establishes the session, part 1. REM - open-2.txt - Establishes the session, part 2. REM REM - auth-1.txt - Authentication request, part 1. REM - auth-2.txt - Authentication request, part 2. REM - auth-3.txt - Authentication request, part 3. REM REM - shutdown-1.txt - Shutdown request, part 1. REM - shutdown-2.txt - Shutdown request, part 2. REM - shutdown-3.txt - Shutdown request, part 3. REM REM REM IMPORTANT: DEPENDS ON NMAP "NCAT" UTILITY BEING PRESENT AND ACCESSIBLE IN THE REM DEFAULT SEARCH PATH. REM REM Free disrtibution and use permitted - but entirely at your own risk!! REM REM If you find it useful commerically, a bottle of ale would always be REM welcome REM REM First ensure in correct directory as APC software might not. REM REM These commands change the drive and directory to where the batch file is stored, REM for example if it's at C:\ESXI\SHUTDOWN.BAT these lines become "C:" then REM "cd \esxi\" %~d0 cd %~dp0 REM Log the use of the script call :WriteLog "System shutdown called: %date% %time%" REM Check paramters were passed in: If %1a==a goto :ArgumentError If %2a==a goto :ArgumentError If %3a==a goto :ArgumentError call :CheckHost %1 if not %hostconnectres%==found Goto :CleanUp REM Found and could ping the host, OK to attempt the shutdown. REM Store specified hostname or IP in file to enable the assembly of the HTTP requests. Echo Host: %1:443 >shutdown-host.txt set shutdown-host=%1 REM Compute length of auth frame data and write out temp files... call :GetAuthLength %2 %3 Echo Content-Length: %content_len% > content-len.txt REM Now assemble the files. copy open-1.txt + shutdown-host.txt + open-2.txt open.txt > NUL copy auth-1.txt + shutdown-host.txt + content-len.txt + auth-2.txt authenticate.txt > NUL Echo ^<userName^>%2^</userName^>>> authenticate.txt Echo ^<password^>%3^</password^>>> authenticate.txt copy authenticate.txt + auth-3.txt authenticate.txt > NUL REM Announce our presence, so that the ESXi server will expect our authentication REM attempt. Echo Connecting... ncat -C -i 2s --ssl %shutdown-host% 443 < open.txt > open-res.txt REM Check that response was HTTP/1.1 200 OK: call :GetResponse open-res.txt if not %httpretcode%==200 Goto :ServerNotResponding REM next, an authentication attempt which will produce a session key: Echo Authenticating... ncat -C -i 2s --ssl %shutdown-host% 443 < authenticate.txt > auth-resp.txt REM Check that response was HTTP/1.1 200 OK: call :GetResponse auth-resp.txt if not %httpretcode%==200 Goto :AuthenticationError Echo Creating host shutdown task... REM Find the key, and insert it in pre-formed request split at appropriate position... find "vmware_soap_session" auth-resp.txt > auth-key.txt for /f "skip=2 tokens=1,2,3,4* delims==;" %%i in (auth-key.txt) do echo %%j > auth-key.txt copy shutdown-1.txt + shutdown-host.txt + shutdown-2.txt + auth-key.txt + shutdown-3.txt shutdown.txt > NUL REM Send completed request to the ESXi host: REM FOLLOWING NCAT... IS THE DANGER LINE - REM IT OUT FOR INITIAL TESTING AS IT *WILL* SHUTDOWN REM THE SPECIFIED ESXI HOST IF AUTHENTICATION SUCCEEDED!! ncat -C -i 2s --ssl %shutdown-host% 443 < shutdown.txt > shutdown-resp.txt REM Check that response was HTTP/1.1 200 OK: call :GetResponse shutdown-resp.txt if not %httpretcode%==200 Goto :ShutdownError REM Result was OK - Log this. call :WriteLog "Server accepted shutdown request." Goto :Cleanup REM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REM - Supporting "sub-routines" - REM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :ArgumentError REM script was called without three parameters Echo. Echo Usage: Shutdown.bat [hostname] [username] [password] Echo. Echo [hostname] must be valid DNS name or an IP address Echo [username] is a user with shutdown rights, i.e. root Echo [password] is as used to connect to vSphere Client with the specificed Echo username. Echo. Echo Usage is logged to shutdown.log, stored in the same directory as the script. Echo. call :WriteLog "Missing parameter(s) - Usage: Shutdown.bat [hostname] [username] [password]" Goto :End REM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :CheckHost REM Routine to determine if host is valid and online. Performs a Ping test. REM Clear out any old files: if exist test-connect.txt del test-connect.txt if exist not-found.txt del not-found.txt if exist found.txt del found.txt if exist time-out.txt del time-out.txt set hostconnectres= REM Ping the host - first ping is desregarded as may time out due to arp delay: ping %1 -n 1 > NUL ping %1 -n 1 > test-connect.txt REM Analyse the results and set environment variable hostconnectres: find "could not find host" test-connect.txt > not-found.txt find "Lost = 0" test-connect.txt > found.txt find "Lost = 1" test-connect.txt > time-out.txt for /f "skip=2 tokens=*" %%i in (not-found.txt) do if not a%%i==a set hostconnectres=cant_resolve for /f "skip=2 tokens=*" %%i in (found.txt) do if not a%%i==a set hostconnectres=found for /f "skip=2 tokens=*" %%i in (time-out.txt) do if not a%%i==a set hostconnectres=time-out REM Clear-up temp files: if exist test-connect.txt del test-connect.txt if exist not-found.txt del not-found.txt if exist found.txt del found.txt if exist time-out.txt del time-out.txt REM Write out results to the log: if %hostconnectres%==cant_resolve call :WriteLog "Could not resolve specified hostname %1." if %hostconnectres%==time-out call :WriteLog "Could not reach specified host %1: time-out." Goto :End REM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :GetAuthLength REM Returns in environment variable content_len the length of the auth frame, based REM on the username in %1, password in %2 + 467. echo %1%2 > tempstr.txt for %%a in (tempstr.txt) do set /a len=%%~za set /a len -=3 set /a content_len = %len% + 467 if exist tempstr.txt del tempstr.txt Goto :End REM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :ServerNotResponding call :WriteLog "ESXi Server did not accept connection attempt:" call :WriteLog "Return code was %httpretcode%." Goto :Cleanup REM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :AuthenticationError call :WriteLog "ESXi authentication did not succeed:" call :WriteLog "Return code was %httpretcode%." Goto :Cleanup REM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :ShutdownError call :WriteLog "ESXi shutdown request failed:" call :WriteLog "Return code was %httpretcode%." Goto :Cleanup REM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :GetResponse REM Stores the response code in return frame passed via a file specified as %1. REM HTTP/1.1 response code (i.e. 200 for OK) is stored in %httpretcode% set httpretcode=(no-response-from-server) if exist response-tmp.txt del response-tmp.txt find "HTTP/1.1" %1 > response-tmp.txt for /f "skip=2 tokens=1,2* delims= " %%i in (response-tmp.txt) do set httpretcode=%%j if exist response-tmp.txt del response-tmp.txt Goto :End REM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :CleanUp call :WriteLog "---------------------------------------------------------------------------" REM Clear up temporary text files... if exist shutdown-host.txt del shutdown-host.txt if exist open.txt del open.txt if exist authenticate.txt del authenticate.txt if exist shutdown.txt del shutdown.txt if exist open-res.txt del open-res.txt if exist shutdown-resp.txt del shutdown-resp.txt if exist auth-key.txt del auth-key.txt if exist auth-resp.txt del auth-resp.txt if exist response-tmp.txt del response-tmp.txt Goto :End REM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :WriteLog REM Appends the specified string to the log file and displays on screen. echo %~1 echo %~1 >> shutdown.log Goto :End :End[/code] Kurzer Teil der Fehlermeldung (Das Ende): "call" kann syntaktisch an dieser Stelle nicht verarbeitet werden. c:\scripts\esxi>if ==cant_resolve call :WriteLog "Could not resolve specified hostname "IP-Adresse"." Das Script als Ausgabe in eine txt Datei (Der kurze Teil von oben ist [b]Fett[/b] markiert: [code] c:\scripts\esxi>REM c:\scripts\esxi>REM *** ESXi Shutdown Script for use with free-licensed ESXi *** c:\scripts\esxi>REM c:\scripts\esxi>REM Primarily designed to shutdown an ESXi server under UPS management software c:\scripts\esxi>REM control, i.e. APC PowerChute. c:\scripts\esxi>REM c:\scripts\esxi>REM Performs a graceful ESXi shutdown - note that the server will ultimately c:\scripts\esxi>REM be powered off after VMs are suspended or shutdown, depending on their c:\scripts\esxi>REM configuration. As a result, when utility power is restored, the host c:\scripts\esxi>REM *will not restart* itself (unless the UPS battery was completely c:\scripts\esxi>REM depleted and the server BIOS was appropriately configured). c:\scripts\esxi>REM c:\scripts\esxi>REM c:\scripts\esxi>REM Written by James Pearce (vmware communities user ID J1mbo c:\scripts\esxi>REM ( c:\scripts\esxi>REM c:\scripts\esxi>REM Version 4 (being for use with ESXi 4) c:\scripts\esxi>REM - tested against ESXi 4 U1 from a Windows 2003 VM c:\scripts\esxi>REM - completed 09-Dec-09 c:\scripts\esxi>REM c:\scripts\esxi>REM Usage: Shutdown.bat [hostname] [username] [password] c:\scripts\esxi>REM c:\scripts\esxi>REM [hostname] must be valid DNS name or an IP address c:\scripts\esxi>REM [username] is a user with shutdown rights, i.e. root c:\scripts\esxi>REM [password] is as used to connect to vSphere Client with the specificed c:\scripts\esxi>REM username. c:\scripts\esxi>REM c:\scripts\esxi>REM Usage is logged to shutdown.log, stored in the same directory as the script. c:\scripts\esxi>REM c:\scripts\esxi>REM Depends on supporting text files: c:\scripts\esxi>REM c:\scripts\esxi>REM - open-1.txt - Establishes the session, part 1. c:\scripts\esxi>REM - open-2.txt - Establishes the session, part 2. c:\scripts\esxi>REM c:\scripts\esxi>REM - auth-1.txt - Authentication request, part 1. c:\scripts\esxi>REM - auth-2.txt - Authentication request, part 2. c:\scripts\esxi>REM - auth-3.txt - Authentication request, part 3. c:\scripts\esxi>REM c:\scripts\esxi>REM - shutdown-1.txt - Shutdown request, part 1. c:\scripts\esxi>REM - shutdown-2.txt - Shutdown request, part 2. c:\scripts\esxi>REM - shutdown-3.txt - Shutdown request, part 3. c:\scripts\esxi>REM c:\scripts\esxi>REM c:\scripts\esxi>REM IMPORTANT: DEPENDS ON NMAP "NCAT" UTILITY BEING PRESENT AND ACCESSIBLE IN THE c:\scripts\esxi>REM DEFAULT SEARCH PATH. c:\scripts\esxi>REM c:\scripts\esxi>REM Free disrtibution and use permitted - but entirely at your own risk!! c:\scripts\esxi>REM c:\scripts\esxi>REM If you find it useful commerically, a bottle of ale would always be c:\scripts\esxi>REM welcome c:\scripts\esxi>REM c:\scripts\esxi>REM First ensure in correct directory as APC software might not. c:\scripts\esxi>REM c:\scripts\esxi>REM These commands change the drive and directory to where the batch file is stored, c:\scripts\esxi>REM for example if it's at C:\ESXI\SHUTDOWN.BAT these lines become "C:" then c:\scripts\esxi>REM "cd \esxi\" c:\scripts\esxi>c: c:\scripts\esxi>cd c:\scripts\esxi\ c:\scripts\esxi>REM Log the use of the script c:\scripts\esxi>call :WriteLog "System shutdown called: 19.09.2014 8:37:15,41" c:\scripts\esxi>REM Appends the specified string to the log file and displays on screen. c:\scripts\esxi>echo System shutdown called: 19.09.2014 8:37:15,41 System shutdown called: 19.09.2014 8:37:15,41 c:\scripts\esxi>echo System shutdown called: 19.09.2014 8:37:15,41 1>>shutdown.log c:\scripts\esxi>Goto :End c:\scripts\esxi>REM Check paramters were passed in: c:\scripts\esxi>If "IP-Adresse"a == a goto :ArgumentError c:\scripts\esxi>If roota == a goto :ArgumentError c:\scripts\esxi>If Key4Terrabit!a == a goto :ArgumentError c:\scripts\esxi>call :CheckHost "IP-Adresse" c:\scripts\esxi>REM Routine to determine if host is valid and online. Performs a Ping test. c:\scripts\esxi>REM Clear out any old files: c:\scripts\esxi>if exist test-connect.txt del test-connect.txt c:\scripts\esxi>if exist not-found.txt del not-found.txt c:\scripts\esxi>if exist found.txt del found.txt c:\scripts\esxi>if exist time-out.txt del time-out.txt c:\scripts\esxi>set hostconnectres= c:\scripts\esxi>REM Ping the host - first ping is desregarded as may time out due to arp delay: c:\scripts\esxi>ping "IP-Adresse" -n 1 1>NUL c:\scripts\esxi>ping "IP-Adresse" -n 1 1>test-connect.txt c:\scripts\esxi>REM Analyse the results and set environment variable hostconnectres: c:\scripts\esxi>find "could not find host" test-connect.txt 1>not-found.txt c:\scripts\esxi>find "Lost = 0" test-connect.txt 1>found.txt c:\scripts\esxi>find "Lost = 1" test-connect.txt 1>time-out.txt c:\scripts\esxi>for /F "skip=2 tokens=*" %i in (not-found.txt) do if not a%i == a set hostconnectres=cant_resolve c:\scripts\esxi>for /F "skip=2 tokens=*" %i in (found.txt) do if not a%i == a set hostconnectres=found c:\scripts\esxi>for /F "skip=2 tokens=*" %i in (time-out.txt) do if not a%i == a set hostconnectres=time-out c:\scripts\esxi>REM Clear-up temp files: c:\scripts\esxi>if exist test-connect.txt del test-connect.txt c:\scripts\esxi>if exist not-found.txt del not-found.txt c:\scripts\esxi>if exist found.txt del found.txt c:\scripts\esxi>if exist time-out.txt del time-out.txt c:\scripts\esxi>REM Write out results to the log: [B]"call" kann syntaktisch an dieser Stelle nicht verarbeitet werden. c:\scripts\esxi>if ==cant_resolve call :WriteLog "Could not resolve specified hostname "IP-Adresse"."[/B] Ich wäre dankbar für Eure Hilfe! Zitieren
carstenj Geschrieben 19. September 2014 Geschrieben 19. September 2014 (bearbeitet) Hi, in den Kommentaren auf deiner verlinkten Seite steht folgendes: Nice post, works well! On a non english system, you have to adapt the lines: REM Analyse the results and set environment variable hostconnectres: find “could not find host” test-connect.txt > not-found.txt find “Lost = 0″ test-connect.txt > found.txt find “Lost = 1″ test-connect.txt > time-out.txt In German it looks like: find “nicht finden” test-connect.txt > not-found.txt find “Verloren = 0″ test-connect.txt > found.txt find “Verloren = 1″ test-connect.txt > time-out.txt Und vermutlich wirst du das an einigen Stellen an deine Umgebung anpassen müssen. Davon abgesehen: Du solltest niemals Skripte einsetzen, die du nicht zumindest teilweise debuggen und/oder verstehen kannst. Wenn du nicht programmieren bzw. skripten kannst, solltest du dir das aneignen, denn auch als Admin kommst du ja offensichtlich nicht drumherum. Bearbeitet 19. September 2014 von carstenj Zitieren
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