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  • 4 Monate später...
vor 18 Stunden schrieb allesweg:

Nach dem Update funktioniert der reconnect-Button der Chatbox nicht mehr (und der Disconnect kommt gefühlt schneller)


Chrome Version 54.0.2840.59 m mit uBlock Origin


Habe gerade eben das Update auf vorgenommen.


IPS Community Suite

Released 10/19/2016

Key Changes

This release resolves intermittent issues submitting a reply or seeing CSRF errors.


Es gab diese Einstellung im Admin-Center schon länger und wir hatten sie auch aktiviert. Neu ist aber, dass es jetzt auch im Chat wirksam ist.

Serve images from local server?

When using https and members post remote links to insecure images then this can cause the page to report as insecure in your browser. This setting, when enabled, will cause the image to be retrieved and then served from the local web server over https instead. 


  • 1 Monat später...

Neue Version:


Key Changes

In addition to many small bug fixes, this release includes:

  • Accounts flagged as spammers are now more visibly different on the member list in AdminCP
  • Added quite a few new embed providers
    • codepen.io
    • coub.com
    • deviantart.com
    • docs.com
    • funnyordie.com
    • gettyimages.com
    • iFixit.com
    • kickstarter.com
    • meetup.com
    • mixcloud.com
    • mix.office.com
    • on.aol.com
    • reddit.com
    • reverbnation.com
    • screencast.com
    • screenr.com
    • slideshare.net
    • smugmug.com
    • ustream.tv
    • Google Maps (requires free Google API key)
  • Default location for an AdminCP tab honors the admin's ordering
  • Staff notification emails for tickets in Commerce now include the ticket ID
  • Auto-saved content in the editor will now expire after 48 hours
  • If you load an editor that has previous auto-saved content you will now be prompted to keep or remove it
  • You can now set pre-filled reasons for Warning actions that will automatically populate the member notes editor when a moderator warns a user
  • Escape key will now cancel quick-edit on titles
  • Adds a setting to restrict member birthday view to admins only or to completely disable prompting for birthday to member
  • There are now more "save and reload" options in various places to keep your place when editing content or settings
  • New check all box when viewing activity on a member profile for easier moderation
  • You can now hide posts that are unapproved rather than just approve or delete
  • When a moderator changes the status of a report in the ModCP the system now puts a reply in moderator comments noting the change
  • When you see a "could not write file" error the file it was trying to write now shows in the error logs
  • You can now quickly edit tags when viewing an item without having to edit it if you have permission
  • If you are using multiple devices to login to a site you will be less likely to be logged out
  • Tags can now be quickly edited when viewing an item
  • Administrators can now create custom RSS feeds for various content
  • Enhancements to IP discovery tools for moderators
  • Actions for reports in ModCP now show when status is changed as a comment
  • Redesigned support tool
  • More REST API methods
  • Password strength rating and requirement option
  • Guest terms of service alert
  • Minimum age requirement
  • Ban Filters are now Word Filters and can set words to automatically moderate
  • Display name history is now available on profile view
  • Better analytics integration
  • Leaderboard



Der Disconnect kommt wirklich viel schneller in der Chatbox und der Reconnect Button funktioniert nicht, muss immer die ganze Seite refreshen damit die CB wieder läuft :/

  • 1 Monat später...
  • 2 Wochen später...
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Seit dem letzten Update lädt die Seite immer erst nur halb. Ich kann keinen Link anklicken, bis der Rest nachgeladen ist. Das Ganze dauert bis zu 20 Sekunden. Passiert nur auf der Hauptseite.


Bearbeitet von SebastianB.

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