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Is ausbildung Einstellungstest is mandatory in every company ?

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Gast ValeriaPoliyenko
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

I have trained myself html, css, both advanced level, javascript intermedite level, also made some small meaningful projects. Extremely dedicated to learn the advanced topics, and looking for a ausbildung in the field of application development(anwendungsentwicklung). I have the confidence to write production grade code in six months if under supervision from the beginning. German level B1 (no certificate though), IELTS band 7(English). Already submitted my school certificates to Bundes government office to recognize them.

Anyway, the einstellungstest is scaring me. Except for the logical, mathematical, general knowledge, its not possible to pass the German section  unless someone studied from a School in Germany. Though, i do not care to get into a big firma, just  small/medium software firm is okay for me.

Inputs are welcome. Thank you very much Guys.



Bearbeitet von greasequala

The whole Ausbildung and even the exams will be in german only by law so i assume every company which may be interessted in your person will test your language abilities.

vor 2 Stunden schrieb greasequala:

its not possible to pass the German section  unless someone studied from a School in Germany

Thats proven not true, sorry

Please keep in mind that a german Fachinformatiker certificate is more than a license for programming skills, it contains a full license of business and commercial skills „Kaufmannsbrief“. Understanding and passing these procedures in one of the most complicated languages (and one of the most administrated countries :) ) is a challange for everybody 


But you will have three years time to practice German. It should be possible because you have to be able to understand a lot of things in the final exam, but you don't have to write so many things. The ''Einstellungstest' is different in every single company, it should be possible to absolve those tests in English at least in bigger companies.

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