yeo Geschrieben 12. März 2024 Geschrieben 12. März 2024 Hello! I will write this in english considering it's easier to put my thoughts into it instead of german. I am currently unemployed, having worked around 2 years in a small IT firm with (VERY) basic programming tasks. I am not german, I have been here in DE since 4 years ago, and my bachelors, Industrial Engineering, is something I struggle finding a job here without any relevant experience in that area (it's not like I am super motivated with my bachelors either). My german is level b2. I am 29 years old, married, and would like to get a degree as soon as possible that will land me a job for me to start a family. Therefore, I want to ask Arbeitsamt for an Umschulung in Fachinformatiker in Systemintegration. I have an easy time troubleshooting computers and if not, I can always find a tutorial. Always enjoyed working on a computer, but I also want to help people and also have a more social interaction at a workplace. But before I request an Umschulung, I have been researching and I have some questions hope you can help me with. It's a common opinion that an Umschulung is terrible, duales studium is what people in my situation recommend the most, however Umschulung with Arbeitsamt seems the most viable option in my situation. With that being said, is it really that bad? Umschulung centers are bad, like all of them according to reviews. There seems to be a lot of learning on your own in these 2 years. If I struggle with learning on my own, should I just ditch the idea? My german is between B1-B2, would that make things harder? I read somewhere however that english is what you need the most during these 2 years. What are the best centers to get an Umschulung in the Munich area? What would you recommend in my position instead? Maybe I have overlooked something. Thank you for taking your time to read, and I hope you all have a good day. Zitieren
eKrumel Geschrieben 12. März 2024 Geschrieben 12. März 2024 If you have a bachelor than it should be really easy for you to learn the stuff. The worst problem you have will be the german. You need to do the exam and the project at the end of the Umschulung in german and that may be a big trouble for you. I have a american guy in my class who is easy with talking in german but its still pretty hard for him to understand what they want in the exam. Regarding Umschulung yeah its kinda meh but if you really like going into IT than go for it but i suggest you to visit some German training probably depending how hard it is for you to understand german Zitieren
bigvic Geschrieben 12. März 2024 Geschrieben 12. März 2024 Dein Abschluss ist zweitrangig solange du kein Deutsch beherrscht. Das muss dir in Deutschland einfach bewusst sein. Ausnahmen gibt es bei internationalen Konzernen, aber selbst da sind die Jobs begrenzt, denn jeder Deutsche kann auch Englisch. Und wenn Deutsch keine Anforderung ist, ja dann brauch ich auch niemanden in Deutschland anstellen als internationaler Konzern. Daher solltest du deine Priorität Nummer 1 auf Deutsch lernen ändern. Wenn du nach 4 Jahren deinen Post nicht in Deutsch schreiben kannst, dann ist deine Anstrengung nicht gut genug. Unter C1 bleibt alles schwierig. tkreutz2, Asura, Marubas und 4 Weitere reagierten darauf 7 Zitieren
tkreutz2 Geschrieben 12. März 2024 Geschrieben 12. März 2024 (bearbeitet) As my previous poster already said, at least language level C1 is required to work in this environment; this also applies to companies with international teams. Even if English is not uncommon as a professional language, German is preferred in companies in this country for communicating with end customers. But there may be the possibility of acquiring a corresponding qualification at a university to start your professional life. To do this, you would have to contact a university. Retraining is only intended for people who already have a recognized professional qualification from Germany and who, for whatever reason (e.g. bakers with a flour allergy), can or are no longer allowed to carry out this profession. You must clarify with the employment agency whether you can take advantage of retraining. The forum cannot answer the question, only the clerk in the office can. Bearbeitet 12. März 2024 von tkreutz2 Zitieren
Daz Geschrieben 24. März 2024 Geschrieben 24. März 2024 I did my Umschulung as a foreigner but my German was at C1 level. The only time I had slight problems and found the German difficult to understand was with the exam questions set by IHK, but the native speakers also had trouble interpreting what the questions wanted! The Arbeitsamt will test your German (along with maths, logical thinking, spacial awareness) before allowing you to retrain, if you pass that then you should be fine. I think most colleges for Umschulungs are hit and miss, it really comes down to the teachers at the time. I did mine at Didact in Munich, mainly because the classes were all on site with no virtual classes. In general they were ok, some teachers were replaced whilst I was on my internship so the quality of teaching changed a little. The most important thing about an Umschulung, in my opinion, is the internship, you really need to find a good company that is going to take the time to teach you. Unfortunately for some of my class mates they had bad experiences in their internships and struggled to get a job once the Umschulung ended. The internship really is a great chance to get your foot in the door, so I’d recommend researching companies and applying for an internship early on in the Umschulung, don’t leave it too late that you have to take what you get. Zitieren
hellerKopf Geschrieben 24. März 2024 Geschrieben 24. März 2024 Objection in your honour. Although it should be as described, there are demonstrably many people in the courses who are unable to follow the trainer due to language deficits. They stand out in exams because they do not understand the questions described there and provide completely irrelevant answers. In the final exam, the candidates are then completely lost. Zitieren
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