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EPP = Enhanced Parallel Port

ECP = Extended Capability Parallel Mode


(1) (Service Switching Point) The local exchange node in an SS7 telephone network. The SSP can be part of the voice switch or in a separate computer connected to it. The SSP creates SS7 signaling messages that are sent to a "service control point" (SCP) to query databases for subscriber service and routing information. See AIN and SCP.

(2) (Storage Service Provider) A third party that manages the storage facilities for an enterprise. The storage devices can be on the customer's premises or at the SSP's site connected to the customer's machines via fiber-optic links. See ASP.

(3) (Switch to Switch Protocol) The protocol used in DLSw that locates resources and routes messages.

(4) (System Support Program) A multiuser, multitasking operating system from IBM that is the primary control program for the System/34 and System/36.

Aber ich glaube Du meinst SPP = Standard Parallel Port ;)


Was bringt dir denn die alte Auflage, wenn du die neue dabei hast?? Die neue ist doch nur aktueller.... Muss ich sowas verstehen??:confused:

Viel Glück am Dienstag..... bin auch einer eurer Leidensgenossen ;)



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