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Hier hast du mal zwei Auszügen aus Testberichten, die sich mit overclocking beschäftigt haben...

To sucessfully get a good overclock with nearly every ATI card, you need to perform a small moficiation to pump a few extra volts around. Some people get away with joining the necessary points with a pencil, while others physically solder small wires from A to B. I wasn't keen on doing either and I only managed a stable 5% overclock at 283/209 using PowerStrip that resulted in an additional 170 3DMarks at 1024x768. I did get as high as 310/250, but lasted about 10 seconds before video corruption forced me to reset.


With the standard heatsink and fan combo, I didn't expect much overclocking from this card. I downloaded this cool overclocking utility called Radeonator and proceeded towards overclocking the Excalibur 7500LE. I was able to reach 288/210 with no problems, however going beyond this point seemed impossible. This increase yielded in around a 4% increase in performance, however if you want to go beyond this point firstly you'd have to install a better heatsink on the GPU. Furthermore there are many tweaks you can perform such as increasing the voltage of the card and so on, but we weren't planning on ruining a perfectly good card just right now. If anyone has some spare cash in them can try it out for curiosity :)

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