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Jikes-Compiler fuer IRIX


Empfohlene Beiträge

Binaries hab ich leider keine (meine O² hat z. Zt. leider nur 64MB, aba bald hatt'se mehr :).

Dafür hab ich ein Posting von jemanden gefunden der jikes ausm CVS gebuilded hat. Hier dat posting... kannst ihm ja mal mailen:


I am currently trying a compilation of the current jikes (thanks to

Andrew F. Tereschenko for the pointer to anonymous cvs) on a MIPS

R4400 System running IRIX 6.5.

The configure went smoothly, and I am just waiting for the compile to

finish (this is with g++ 2.95.1).

We also have some R4600 and R5000 systems which I will try a

compilation on. If anyone is interested, I can provide the binaries.

I won't be maintaining the IRIX stuff though, since the machines are just

waiting to be phased out and I am leving university in november.



PS: These are old and slow machines, so I cannot say if and when I

will have the binaries at hand. I will post again if I do so.



Harald Wagener Uni Bremen, Fb3 -- Informatik

email: hollow@informatik.uni-bremen.de

Tel: +49 421 2184216 Mobil: +49 174 7530012


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