kiki Geschrieben 6. Juli 2000 Geschrieben 6. Juli 2000 Wie kann man mit Hilfe von OLE auf das globale Adressbuch von Outlook 97 zugreifen ? (Ich will kein Virus schreiben !!!) Zitieren
BOrifice Geschrieben 7. Juli 2000 Geschrieben 7. Juli 2000 das war ein teil meines abschlußprojektes... allerdings mit outlook 98/2000 ob es mit 97 geht weiss ich nicht. folgender code ist VB und du musst ein verweis auf das ms outlook xx objektmodell machen: kann dir gern den ganzen source mailen, sag bescheid. Option Explicit '----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' searches the folder thePublicFolder for strValue from theCategory '----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Sub OutlookCompare(thePublicFolder As String, theCategory As String, theValue As String) 'local variables Dim aApp As Object Dim aNamespace As Object Dim aPublicFolder As Object Dim aContact As Object Dim aItem As Object Dim aNewFolder As Object Dim alogFound As Boolean alogFound = True 'create objects Set aApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Set aNamespace = aApp.GetNamespace("MAPI") Set aContact = aNamespace.Folders("Öffentliche Ordner") Set aPublicFolder = aContact.Folders("Alle Öffentlichen Ordner") 'folder below "Alle Öffentlichen Ordner" Set aNewFolder = aPublicFolder.Folders(thePublicFolder) 'search the folder strPublicFolder Set aItem = aNewFolder.Items.Find("[" & theCategory & "] = '" & theValue & "'") 'if contact is not found then set alogFound to false If (aItem Is Nothing) Then alogFound = False End If 'show the main app if minimized and a contact was not found 'else display the Outlook contact If alogFound = False Then If frmMain.WindowState = vbMinimized Then frmMain.WindowState = vbNormal End If Else 'display the Outlook contact aItem.Display End If 'kill objects Set aApp = Nothing Set aNamespace = Nothing Set aPublicFolder = Nothing Set aContact = Nothing Set aNewFolder = Nothing Set aItem = Nothing End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' creates a new outlook contact in "thePublicFolder" '----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Sub createNewContact(thePublicFolder As String) 'local variables Dim aApp As Object Dim aNamespace As Object Dim aPublicFolder As Object Dim aContact As Object Dim aItem As Object Dim aNewFolder As Object 'create objects Set aApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Set aNamespace = aApp.GetNamespace("MAPI") Set aContact = aNamespace.Folders("Öffentliche Ordner") Set aPublicFolder = aContact.Folders("Alle Öffentlichen Ordner") 'Folder below "Alle Öffentlichen Ordner" Set aNewFolder = aPublicFolder.Folders(thePublicFolder) Set aItem = aNewFolder.Items.Add 'display the Outlook contact aItem.Display 'kill objects Set aApp = Nothing Set aNamespace = Nothing Set aPublicFolder = Nothing Set aContact = Nothing Set aNewFolder = Nothing Set aItem = Nothing End Sub Zitieren
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