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[LOTR] Quotes, that aren't

Empfohlene Beiträge


Hallo zusammen,

jetzt wo die Premiere von "The Two Towers" immer naeher rueckt, brummt die Mailingliste wieder. Heute kam eine Mail mit LOTR-Filmzitaten, die eigentlich keine sind weil sie aus anderen Filmen stammen. Fand es mehr als nur lustig. :)

Ihr könnt ja mal raten, aus welchen Filmen die Zitate tatsächlich entlehnt wurden. ;)

Here we go:

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Pippin: "Gandalf, may I have some of your pipe weed, please?"

Gandalf (blowing smoke rings): "You can't have any; you're too young."

* * *


At Amon Hen, the boat carrying Boromir's body is about to go over the falls.

Legolas: "Uh, oh..."

Gimli: "Don't tell me. He's about to go over a huge waterfall?"

Legolas: "Yep."

Gimli: "Sharp rocks at the bottom?"

Legolas: "Most likely."

Both: "Bring it on."

Boromir (going over the waterfall): "Booyaaaaahh!!! Whooooohooooo!..."

* * *


In Moria, the Fellowship has just barred the doors against the approaching orcs.

Boromir: "They have a cave troll."

Legolas tries to notch an arrow, but can't quite seem to do it. (Highly unlikely I know, but work with me here )

Aragorn (glaring at the elf): "Hurry up!"

Legolas (in a sing-song voice): "Patience is a virtue."

Aragorn (also in a sing-song verse, but still annoyed): "Not right now it isn't!"

* * *


After Gandalf has fallen into shadow, the Balrog appears to the Fellowship.

Frodo (looking wide-eyed, scared and lonely *you know the face*): "What did you do to Gandalf?"

Balrog: "I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti." (slurps)

Fellowship: "Ewww."

* * *


In Rivendell, Aragorn and Arwen are standing on the bridge.

Arwen (giving Aragorn her Evenstar): "I choose a mortal life."

Elrond (popping up from behind Arwen): "Do you hear that, Estel? That is the sound of inevitability. It is the sound of... your death."

Arwen (elbowing Elrond in the stomach and whining): "Daddy!"

Aragorn (blinking): "Uh, I think I'll be going now."

* * *



Elrond (popping up from behind Arwen): "Do you hear that, Estel? That is the sound of inevitability. It is the sound of... your death."

--> Matrix, wo Neo gegen den Agent in der U-Bahn kämpft und der Agent ihn auf den Schienen festhält, damit er von der Ubahn überrollt wird.

Weiter gehts mit

"My Name is Neo" und dann klatscht er ihn an die Decke

(sorry für die Ausführlich Antwort, aber ich hab den Film schon 30 mal gesehen :))


Original geschrieben von Noxy


Könnte das Star Trek: Generations sein? Wo Picard of Kirk trifft?

Nope, ganz andere Ecke. :D

Ist ein Zeichentrickfilm, und dazu noch einer der Lustigsten, die ich im letzten Jahr gesehen habe.

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