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Customizing the Toolbars

Changing What's Displayed on Toolbar Buttons

1.Open the Edit menu and choose Preferences.

2.Click the Appearance category.

3.Select a "Show toolbars as" option and click OK.

4.(Mac OS only) Click Show Tooltips if you want to see explanatory text when your mouse pointer "hovers" over a toolbar button.

Hiding a Toolbar

Click the vertical tab at the left of the toolbar. When the toolbar is hidden, the tab appears horizontally below any visible toolbars. To show the toolbar,

click the tab.

To completely hide a toolbar, including its tab: Open the View menu and choose Show Navigation Toolbar, Show Location Toolbar, or Show Personal

Toolbar to uncheck it.

Moving a Toolbar or Toolbar Button

Drag a toolbar tab or button to another toolbar position and drop it.

Adding and Deleting Toolbar Buttons

To add a toolbar button for the page you are viewing:

Drag the bookmark icon to the Personal Toolbar and drop it at the desired position.

To add a toolbar button for a bookmark or bookmark folder:

1.Open the Bookmarks menu and choose Edit Bookmarks.

2.Select a bookmark or bookmark folder.

3.From the File menu, choose Add Selection to Toolbar.

Although each item in the Personal Toolbar folder appears as a toolbar button, you may need to make the window wider to see them all.

To designate a bookmark folder as your Personal Toolbar folder:



Hy Webentwickler,

Das was Du dort beschrieben hast gilt leider nur für die Persönliche Symbolleiste.

Ich möchte gerne die vordefinierten Symbole eine Leiste höher selbst definieren.

Da gibt es z.B. das Taschenlampensymbol, welches einen auf die Netscape Suchmaschine führt, dort möchte ich eigene URLs eintragen.


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