gicio Geschrieben 8. Dezember 2002 Geschrieben 8. Dezember 2002 Hi! Bin auf der suche nach einiegen beispielen wie man einen IRC client in C# schreibt. Weiss einer wo ich solche beispiele finden kann? DANKE!!! Zitieren
developer Geschrieben 9. Dezember 2002 Geschrieben 9. Dezember 2002 IrcBot.cs: using System; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.IO; using System.Threading; /* * This program establishes a connection to irc server, joins a channel and greets every nickname that * joins the channel. * * Coded by Pasi Havia 17.11.2001 */ class IrcBot { // Irc server to connect public static string SERVER = ""; // Irc server's port (6667 is default port) private static int PORT = 6667; // User information defined in RFC 2812 (Internet Relay Chat: Client Protocol) is sent to irc server private static string USER = "USER CSharpBot 8 * :I'm a C# irc bot"; // Bot's nickname private static string NICK = "BotNick"; // Channel to join private static string CHANNEL = "#my_channel"; // StreamWriter is declared here so that PingSender can access it public static StreamWriter writer; static void Main (string[] args) { NetworkStream stream; TcpClient irc; string inputLine; StreamReader reader; string nickname; try { irc = new TcpClient (SERVER, PORT); stream = irc.GetStream (); reader = new StreamReader (stream); writer = new StreamWriter (stream); // Start PingSender thread PingSender ping = new PingSender (); ping.Start (); writer.WriteLine (USER); writer.Flush (); writer.WriteLine ("NICK " + NICK); writer.Flush (); writer.WriteLine ("JOIN " + CHANNEL); writer.Flush (); while (true) { while ( (inputLine = reader.ReadLine () ) != null ) { if (inputLine.EndsWith ("JOIN :" + CHANNEL) ) { // Parse nickname of person who joined the channel nickname = inputLine.Substring(1, inputLine.IndexOf ("!") - 1); // Welcome the nickname to channel by sending a notice writer.WriteLine ("NOTICE " + nickname + " :Hi " + nickname + " and welcome to " + CHANNEL + " channel!"); writer.Flush (); // Sleep to prevent excess flood Thread.Sleep (2000); } } // Close all streams writer.Close (); reader.Close (); irc.Close (); } } catch (Exception e) { // Show the exception, sleep for a while and try to establish a new connection to irc server Console.WriteLine (e.ToString () ); Thread.Sleep (5000); string[] argv = { }; Main (argv); } } } PingSender.cs: using System; using System.Threading; /* * Class that sends PING to irc server every 15 seconds */ class PingSender { static string PING = "PING :"; private Thread pingSender; // Empty constructor makes instance of Thread public PingSender () { pingSender = new Thread (new ThreadStart (this.Run) ); } // Starts the thread public void Start () { pingSender.Start (); } // Send PING to irc server every 15 seconds public void Run () { while (true) { IrcBot.writer.WriteLine (PING + IrcBot.SERVER); IrcBot.writer.Flush (); Thread.Sleep (15000); } } } Zitieren
gicio Geschrieben 10. Dezember 2002 Autor Geschrieben 10. Dezember 2002 cool danke! ist zwar nicht 100% das was ich gesucht habe aber damit kann ich schon ne menge anfangen. gicio Zitieren
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