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Suche samples wie man einen IRC client in C# schreibt

Empfohlene Beiträge



using System;

using System.Net;

using System.Net.Sockets;

using System.IO;

using System.Threading;


* This program establishes a connection to irc server, joins a channel and greets every nickname that

* joins the channel.


* Coded by Pasi Havia 17.11.2001 http://koti.mbnet.fi/~curupted


class IrcBot


// Irc server to connect

public static string SERVER = "irc.df.lth.se";

// Irc server's port (6667 is default port)

private static int PORT = 6667;

// User information defined in RFC 2812 (Internet Relay Chat: Client Protocol) is sent to irc server

private static string USER = "USER CSharpBot 8 * :I'm a C# irc bot";

// Bot's nickname

private static string NICK = "BotNick";

// Channel to join

private static string CHANNEL = "#my_channel";

// StreamWriter is declared here so that PingSender can access it

public static StreamWriter writer;

static void Main (string[] args)


NetworkStream stream;

TcpClient irc;

string inputLine;

StreamReader reader;

string nickname;



irc = new TcpClient (SERVER, PORT);

stream = irc.GetStream ();

reader = new StreamReader (stream);

writer = new StreamWriter (stream);

// Start PingSender thread

PingSender ping = new PingSender ();

ping.Start ();

writer.WriteLine (USER);

writer.Flush ();

writer.WriteLine ("NICK " + NICK);

writer.Flush ();

writer.WriteLine ("JOIN " + CHANNEL);

writer.Flush ();

while (true)


while ( (inputLine = reader.ReadLine () ) != null )


if (inputLine.EndsWith ("JOIN :" + CHANNEL) )


// Parse nickname of person who joined the channel

nickname = inputLine.Substring(1, inputLine.IndexOf ("!") - 1);

// Welcome the nickname to channel by sending a notice

writer.WriteLine ("NOTICE " + nickname + " :Hi " + nickname +

" and welcome to " + CHANNEL + " channel!");

writer.Flush ();

// Sleep to prevent excess flood

Thread.Sleep (2000);



// Close all streams

writer.Close ();

reader.Close ();

irc.Close ();



catch (Exception e)


// Show the exception, sleep for a while and try to establish a new connection to irc server

Console.WriteLine (e.ToString () );

Thread.Sleep (5000);

string[] argv = { };

Main (argv);





using System;

using System.Threading;


* Class that sends PING to irc server every 15 seconds


class PingSender


static string PING = "PING :";

private Thread pingSender;

// Empty constructor makes instance of Thread

public PingSender ()


pingSender = new Thread (new ThreadStart (this.Run) );


// Starts the thread

public void Start ()


pingSender.Start ();


// Send PING to irc server every 15 seconds

public void Run ()


while (true)


IrcBot.writer.WriteLine (PING + IrcBot.SERVER);

IrcBot.writer.Flush ();

Thread.Sleep (15000);




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