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Hier eine Mail, die ich von einem Member eines anderen Forums bekommen habe, vieleicht könnt ihr ihm ja weiter helfen:

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This is the message:

Dear Friend,

I am dialing a telephone number using mscomm control from visual basic

with AT commands. A headphone and a telephone set is connected to the same

modem. let there is anumber 9810933342, i send the command as ATX1DT9810933342.

(This can be any phone number, here i have taken my mobile no).

The number is dialed properly and connection established. after the connection

established i can talk with the person with lifting the handset of the

telephone. But if i try to talk with the there is no sound in the headphone.

i am not able to bring the modem into voice mode. the SPK/MIC jacks of the

modem are not enabled. To bring modem into voice modem i have given command as

AT#CLS=8 after the carrier is detected i,e after getting OK response from modem

after sending the dialing AT command(given above). still there is no sound in

SPK jack of the modem, even if i connect a high power amplifier to this jack.

help me out.

Pradyumna Kumar Jena


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