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Hallo Leute!

Ich habe eine Frage zu Serial ATA. Gibts dann da auch noch primary und secondary oder master und slave?

Und geht dann das mit den Raid-Systemen noch genau so?

Ach ja: Was haltet ihr eigentlich dann von dem Mainboard Asus A7N8X deluxe

Ich find das ziemlich sehr toll!



AFAIK nein:


Master-Slave Interaction — With today's parallel ATA implementation, pairs of devices share a common cable in a master-slave relationship, resulting in available bandwidth being shared between the devices. Also, since devices on the cable interact, they must be jointly qualified, resulting in substantial expansion of the system integrators' qualification matrix in order to comprehend possible combinations of devices. By contrast, Serial ATA is a point-to-point interface where each device is directly connected to the host via a dedicated link. Therefore, each device has the entire interface bandwidth dedicated to it, and there is no interaction between devices. As result, software can be streamlined, eliminating the overhead associated with coordinating accesses between the master and slave device sharing the same cable.

Allerdings gibts anscheinend auch Platten mit Master/Slave-Jumpern:

http://www.de.tomshardware.com/storage/02q4/021105/index.html (Seite 3 des Artikels geht genauer darauf ein)

Mehr Infos zu Serial ATA:


Zum Board:

Ich selber kenns leider nicht, vielleicht hilft das dir weiter:







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