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I have a problem with my Outlook 2000 running under Windows 2000 Professional. The installation went well. All Office programs work except for Outlook. When i try to start Outlook, i get the following errors:

Die Anwendung oder DLL c:\programe\Gemeinsame Daten\system\MAPI\1031\nt\Gapi32.DLL ist kein gültige Windows Datei. Überprüfen sie dies mit der Installations diskette.

When i Push "Abbrechen", then the next warning comes:

Ein VB Script DLL-Datei konnte nicht registriert werden. Installieren sie noch einmal, oder führen sie mitels "Regsvr32.exe vbscript.dll" die selbstregistrierung durch.

I already have all the patches and updates that microsoft could give me. I also Executed th Regsvr32.exe and the message said "Registrierung erfolgreich". But the message still keeps comming.....Any help would be highly Apprieciated!!

Many Thanx....


Hmm sounds like a broken file ...

probaly you should look for the Gapi32.DLL

on your Windows NT Installation disk.

Backup your old Gapi32.dll, then copy the original

gapi32.dll from the installation disk to

c:\programe\Gemeinsame Daten\system\MAPI\1031\nt\.

Then try to start Outlook again,

may be you have to execute Regsvr32.exe again first.

Good luck.

<FONT COLOR="#a62a2a" SIZE="1">[ 26. Juli 2001 17:28: Beitrag 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von mtn ]</font>

  • 2 Wochen später...

The answer with the broken file was kind of right... I fixed the problem with copying the Gapi32.dll from WIN'98 and not WIN NT into that file...CRAZY!!! Then suddenly everything worked!! well...It works now...Thanx!!

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