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ich habe ein Problem mit Win2000 und der Firewall ZoneAlarm, wobei es doch eher an Win2000 liegen wird.

Die Datei services.exe aus dem Windosverzeichnis(C:\Winnt\system32\) will sich ins Internet einwählen, blockt man diese Datei kann der Internetexplorer keine Verbingung zum Internet herstellen.

Nun meine Frage:

1. Wie kann man das einwählen der Datei verhindern und trotzdem ins Internet gehen?

2. Wofür ist die Datei und was macht diese?

Ich hoffe Ihr könnt mir helfen.


Communications, Networking, and Telephony Services


[This topic is part of a beta release and is subject to change in future releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

Services.exe is a process that supplements the existing Device.exe process in loading system services. It expands the Device.exe functionality by hosting services that do not require direct access to the system and isolating those services from the system services. In the event of a service failure, separating the services protects a system service from failing as well. This functionality allows for enhanced device stability in a service failure and decreases the likelihood of a crash of the entire Microsoft® Windows® CE-based device.

To use both Device.exe and services.exe, 2 of the 32 available Windows CE process slots will be used. It is possible to run Device.exe without the enhanced services.exe support in order to conserve a process slot; however, this is done at the expense of the increased stability that services.exe offers.

Services.exe also can be configured to wait on connections from multiple sockets for multiple services. Upon arrival of a connection request from a particular socket, services.exe dispatches the request to the registered service. It is important to note that while services.exe helps prevent a device failure resulting from a service crash, it does not prevent a resulting crash in another unrelated service. All services should be properly debugged prior to testing them with services.exe.

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