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Hallo Leute

Hat jemand von euch zufällig einen MIMESweeper laufen und eine relativ umfangreiche ExpressionListV4.cfg mit guten Schlagwörtern?

Ich weiß wohl das es quasi täglich neue gibt aber wenn jemand schon eine recht gute zum Filtern böser Mails hat wäre das deutlich einfacher zu pflegen :-)

Danke schonmal




Das ist bei dem auch so ... jedes Schlagwort hat eine Gewichtung :



Expression=False,4,"accept credit"

Expression=False,8,"adv adult"

Expression=False,4,"advertising sending"

Expression=False,3,"afternoon home"

Expression=False,3,"all information"

Expression=False,4,"another lender"

Expression=False,4,"anti aging"

Expression=False,6,"attention business owners"

Expression=False,5,"available reports"

Expression=False,5,"bad credit"

Expression=False,4,"banking system"

Expression=False,5,"become financially"

Expression=False,-1,"Blow Job .or. Blowjob .or. Deep Throat"

Expression=False,8,"Britney Spears"

Expression=False,5,"card debt"

Expression=False,4,"cash concealed"

Expression=False,4,"clean credit"

Expression=False,4,"click below"

Wenn eine gewisse Punktzahl erreicht ist dann wird die Mail gelöscht ...


wie gesagt, ich sortiere nicht nach schlagwoertern. Ne gefilterte mail sieht bei mir so aus:

This mail is probably spam. The original message has been attached

along with this report, so you can recognize or block similar unwanted

mail in future. See http://spamassassin.org/tag/ for more details.

Content preview: Hello, You are receiving this email because you are

watching the topic, "Help with ... !!!" at

hackerthreads.org security forum. This topic has received a reply since

your last visit. You can use the following link to view the replies

made, no more notifications will be sent until you visit the topic.


Content analysis details: (8.00 points, 7.5 required)

NO_REAL_NAME (0.8 points) From: does not include a real name

TO_EMPTY (2.6 points) To: is empty

EXCUSE_1 (0.7 points) BODY: Gives a lame excuse about why you were sent this spam

MISSING_HEADERS (0.5 points) Missing To: header

RCVD_IN_RFCI (1.4 points) RBL: Received via a relay in ipwhois.rfc-ignorant.org

[RBL check: found, type:]

MISSING_MIMEOLE (0.5 points) Message has X-MSMail-Priority, but no X-MimeOLE

PLING_PLING (1.7 points) Subject has lots of exclamation marks

MISSING_OUTLOOK_NAME (0.6 points) Message looks like Outlook, but isn't

AWL (-0.8 points) AWL: Auto-whitelist adjustment

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