Oortael Geschrieben 4. September 2003 Geschrieben 4. September 2003 Morgen Jungs und Mädels, kleines Problem mit JavaMail. er meint, dass er Session.getDefaultInstance nicht auflösen kann. seht euch den Code mal an und gebt mir bitte bescheid wenn ihr ne Lösung gefunden habt. Danke. package com.test.test.stoerm.mail; import java.util.*; import javax.mail.*; import javax.mail.internet.*; public class SendStoerm { //Die Methode sendet die mail zum mailserver public void sendMail(String args[]) { //Lesen der Systemeigenschaften (Eingabeparamter auf Kommandozeile Properties prop = System.getProperties(); prop.put("mail.smtp.host", args[4]); Session sess = new Session.getDefaultInstance(prop); //Erstelle zu sendende mail MimeMessage mimeMail = new MimeMessage(sess); //setze Empfänger mimeMail.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress(args[0])); //Übergebenen Text in Mail einfügen mimeMail.setText(args[3]); //Sende Nachricht mimeMail.saveChanges(); Transport transport = sess.getTransport("smtp"); transport.connect(args[4], args[5], args[6]); transport.sendMessage(mimeMail, mimeMail.getAllRecipients()); transport.close(); } } Zitieren
themaster Geschrieben 4. September 2003 Geschrieben 4. September 2003 So wie es aussieht gibt es getDefaultInstance nur mit zwei Parametern. Probier mal als zweiten Parameter null zu übergeben. Grüße themaster Auszug: javadoc: http://java.sun.com/j2ee/sdk_1.3/techdocs/api/javax/mail/Session.html getDefaultInstance public static Session getDefaultInstance(java.util.Properties props, Authenticator authenticator)Get the default Session object. If a default has not yet been setup, a new Session object is created and installed as the default. Since the default session is potentially available to all code executing in the same Java virtual machine, and the session can contain security sensitive information such as user names and passwords, access to the default session is restricted. The Authenticator object, which must be created by the caller, is used indirectly to check access permission. The Authenticator object passed in when the session is created is compared with the Authenticator object passed in to subsequent requests to get the default session. If both objects are the same, or are from the same ClassLoader, the request is allowed. Otherwise, it is denied. Note that if the Authenticator object used to create the session is null, anyone can get the default session by passing in null. In JDK 1.2, additional security Permission objects may be used to control access to the default session. Parameters: props - Properties object. Used only if a new Session object is created. It is expected that the client supplies values for the properties listed in Appendix A of the JavaMail spec (particularly mail.store.protocol, mail.transport.protocol, mail.host, mail.user, and mail.from) as the defaults are unlikely to work in all cases. authenticator - Authenticator object. Used only if a new Session object is created. Otherwise, it must match the Authenticator used to create the Session. Returns: the default Session object Zitieren
Oortael Geschrieben 5. September 2003 Autor Geschrieben 5. September 2003 habs gefunden, die Zeile muss richtig heissen: Session sess = Session.getDefaultInstance(prop, null); Danke für deine Hilfe. Zitieren
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