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yep, Du hast schon richtig gelesen: GNU'sNotUnix !


<ZITAT http://www.gnu.org>


The GNU Project was launched in 1984 to develop a complete Unix-like operating system which is free software: the GNU system. (GNU is a recursive acronym for "GNU's Not Unix"; it is pronounced "guh-NEW".) Variants of the GNU operating system, which use the kernel Linux, are now widely used; though these systems are often referred to as "Linux", they are more accurately called GNU/Linux systems.


</ZITAT http://www.gnu.org>

Somit ist das Akronym GNU ein sehr schönes Beispiel für den oft etwas schrägen Humor von UnixGeeks...




Original geschrieben von SystemError


Somit ist das Akronym GNU ein sehr schönes Beispiel für den oft etwas schrägen Humor von UnixGeeks...


Es gibt noch viele weitere solcher rekursiven Akronyme.

weiteres Beispiel:

WINE is not an Emulator



und auch keine Humorvollen:

PCMCIA: Personal Computer Memory Card International Association



TWAIN*, which comes from the saying "Ne'er the twain shall meet" because the Data Source Manager sits between the driver and application, is the de facto interface standard for scanners. Nearly all scanners come with a TWAIN driver, which makes them compatible with any TWAIN-supporting software. Unfortunately, not all scanner software is TWAIN-compatible.

*According to TWAIN.org, TWAIN is not an acronym for "Technology Without An Interesting Name."

Quelle: Webopedia

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