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Stammt von einer Symantec Security Software:

Norton Internet Security Stats, also listed by Symantec themselves as Norton Internet Security User Manager !! Although we are not sure it would seem that the role of this task may have changed over the years. In early versions of Norton firewall products (Norton Internet Security & Norton Personal Firewall) this task was definitely linked to the implementation of various levels of through-the-firewall access for different users. This disappeared in the latter versions of the products and NISUM seems to now be the task which gathers and aggregates all information about the traffic that goes (or does not go!) through your firewall. Under Windows 95/98ME NISUM is a transparent task visible only with a program like Starter.

Link: http://www.answersthatwork.com/Tasklist_pages/tasklist_n.htm

Hoffe gehelft zu haben :D

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