kills Geschrieben 4. Dezember 2003 Geschrieben 4. Dezember 2003 Hallo zusammen, ich hab mir das Dameware mini remote contol tool geleistet Nu wollte ich meinen pc "fernsteuern" aber leider geht nix. ich hab den std. port freigeschaltet mit dem ich auch vom client hier zugreife. hier in der firma geht das nicht das weiss ich auch wegen unserer firewall. aber ich habs von nem kumpel aus versucht und da hab ich ebenfalls keine chance. hat jmd erfahrung damit auf was ich alles achten muss? muss ich vielleicht noch mehr ports forwarden? ausserdem möchte ich dann zuhause im netz mehrere pcs fernsteuern! das sollte doch gehen in dem ich den client dann auf nem anderen port ausführe und diese natürlich dann auch aufm router weitergeleitet habe? Gruß kills data: OS: Win XP Pro Interne Win Firewall disabled Router: SMC7004ABR (port 6129 geforwardet!) Neuste vers von Remote Control ( Zitieren
Ibanez Geschrieben 7. Dezember 2003 Geschrieben 7. Dezember 2003 Hallo, vielleicht hilft es weiter (quelle: I want to Remote Control into a PC through a firewall, how do I need to configure my firewall? I tried opening TCP port 6129 (default port used by the client) but it still won't work...? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. Please note that the TCP ports listed below 137-139 & 445 are the same ports used to access shared resources and we do not recommend opening them up on your firewall. A VPN connection is the safest way to communicate over the internet. The Mini Remote (DMRC) is the only product of ours that requires TCP/IP. If you are connecting to a remote machine through a firewall, we suggest that you first install the CLient Agent Service manually on the remote machine (see below). Only one TCP/IP port is required for the DMRC program to work properly after the Client Agent Service has been installed on the remote machine. The default port is 6129 but can be set to anything on both ends. (NetBIOS is not needed here). To change the Mini remote's port settings open the MRC program properties for your workstation and connection properties for the remote machine. Both dialog boxes will show the port information in the default tab. DNTU and most all other functions (including the MRC Service install/remove functions) will use the installed protocol (TCP, IPX etc.) Again if your are connecting through a firewall the TCP ports required for these functions are documented by Microsoft and depends a little on the OS version (Windows NT, Windows 2000/XP) and the Network protocol installed and how it is configured. Example: Windows 2000/XP uses NetBIOS over TCP/IP to communicate with prior versions of Windows NT and other clients, such as Windows 95/98/Me. The Windows 2000/XP implementation of NetBIOS over TCP/IP is referred to as NetBT. NetBT uses the following TCP and UDP ports: Name Services port 137/TCP and UDP Datagram Services port 138/UDP Session Services port 139/TCP The Windows 2000/XP redirector and server components now support direct hosting for communicating with other computers running Windows 2000/XP. Direct hosting does not use NetBIOS for name resolution. DNS is used for name resolution and the Microsoft networking communication is sent directly over TCP without a NetBIOS header. Direct hosting over TCP/IP uses TCP & UDP port 445 instead of the NetBIOS session TCP port 139. DNS Direct Hosting port 445/TCP and UDP By default, both NetBIOS and direct hosting are enabled on Windows 2000/XP, and both are tried in parallel when a new connection is established. The first to succeed in connecting is used for any given attempt. NetBIOS over TCP/IP support can be disabled to force all traffic to use TCP/IP direct hosting. If you are having trouble installing the Mini Remote client agent remotely, then you can manually install it. To Install the DMRC Service Manually Open your local DameWare Mini Remote Control installation folder. Default folders: \Program Files\DameWare Development\DameWare NT Utilities or \Program Files\DameWare Development\DameWare Mini Remote Control Locate and copy the DWRCS.exe, DWRCK.dll, DWRCSET.dll and DWRCShell.dlx files to the remote machine. For Windows NT/2000/Xp, place all files in the System32 folder. For Windows 95/98/Me place all files in the \Windows\System folder. At a command prompt on the remote machine execute the following command: DWRCS -install Zitieren
kills Geschrieben 8. Dezember 2003 Autor Geschrieben 8. Dezember 2003 The Mini Remote (DMRC) is the only product of ours that requires TCP/IP. If you are connecting to a remote machine through a firewall, we suggest that you first install the CLient Agent Service manually on the remote machine (see below). Only one TCP/IP port is required for the DMRC program to work properly after the Client Agent Service has been installed on the remote machine. The default port is 6129 but can be set to anything on both ends. (NetBIOS is not needed here). wenn ich das richtig verstehe heisst das, wenn ich nen server aufm remote pc am laufen hab, das ich dann nur den port 6129 benötige? Zitieren
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