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kennt jemand eine Seite auf der ich ne Doku finde, wie ich auf welche Objekte usw mit der COM schnittstelle zugreifen kann?! Das ganze soll dann für Excel sein!

php manual comment : (Word Beispiel)

Convert Microsoft word document .DOC to adobe acrobat .PS or .PDF files:

Drawback: if any dialog boxes pop up, the conversion will become non-automated.


// You must have word and adobe acrobat distiller on

// your system, although theoretically any printer driver

// that makes .PS files would work.

// starting word

$word = new COM("word.application") or die("Unable to instanciate Word");

print "Loaded Word, version {$word->Version}\n";

// bring it to front

$word->Visible = 1;

// Select the acrobat distiller as the active printer.

// I presume that you could also use the Acrobat PDF writer // driver that comes with Acrobat full version.

$word->ActivePrinter = "Acrobat Distiller";

// Open a word document, or anything else that word

// can read


// This will create a .PS file called $output

$word->ActiveDocument->PrintOut(0, 0, 0, $output);

// If you need a .pdf instead, use the acrobat

// distiller's watched folder option.

// closing word


// free the object


$word = null;


ich suche also eine doku in der aufgelistet ist wie ich z.b. mit dem Range Objekt arbeiten kann!



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