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ok....welches lied ist das hier????und von wem???

Es gibt keine Zeit mehr für uns.

Und keinen Ort.

Keine Chance.

Was ist das, das unsere Träume wachsen lässt und dann mit ihnen fortgeht?

Alles entschieden.

Diese Welt hatte nur einen schönen Augenblick für uns übrig.

refrain(wäre zu einfach!)


wenn du meine Tränen mit deinen Lippen wegküsst,

meine Welt nur mit deinen Fingerspitzen berührst,

dann haben wir Ewigkeit.

Dann können wir lieben in Ewigkeit.

Das Heute ist diese Ewigkeit.

Wer muss dann noch ewig leben?

Oder ewig warten?

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Top-Benutzer in diesem Thema


Hmm, nicht die geringste Ahnung... - klingt aber etwas nach "echt", oder?

Mal sehen, ob ich auch was finde...

Ah ja, ein genialer Song einer reichlich genialen Band, ist sicher nicht einfach, aber vielleicht kennt's jemand:

"smoke stack spittin black soot into the sunny sky

the load on the road brings a tear to the indian's eye

the elephant won't forget what it's like inside his cage

the ringmaster's telecaster sings on an empty stage

uh huh god damn right it's a beautiful day,

uh huh god damn right it's a beautiful day uh huh,


the girl with the curls and the sweet pink ribbons in her hair

she's crawlin out a window cause her daddy just don't care

c'mon, uh huh god damn right it's a beautiful day

uh huh

the clown with the frown drivin down to the sidewalk fair

finger on the trigger let me tell ya gave us quite a scare

uh huh god damn right it's a beautiful day,

uh huh god damn right it's a beautiful day,

uh huh,


the kids flip their lids when their aunts hear that crazy sound

my neighbor digs the flavor still he's moving to another town

and i don't believe he'll come back

god damn right it's a beautiful day uh huh

god damn right it's a beautiful day uh huh

i don't know how you're taking all the shit you see

you don't believe anyone and most of all don't believe me

believe you...

god damn right it's a beautiful day uh huh,

god damn right it's a beautiful day uh huh,

god damn right it's a beautiful day uh huh,

god damn right it's a beautiful day uh huh "

Und noch einer weil's so schön war:

"you're dead but the world keeps spinning

take a spin trough the world you left

it's getting dark a little too early

are you missing the dearly bereft?

taking a flight and you could be herev tomorrow

taking a flight, well, you could get here tonight

I'm gonna fly on down for the last stop to this town

- What?

I'm gonna fly on down then fly away

- Well allright

get down

takin' a spin through the neighbourhood

the neighbours scream

watcha talkin' bout?

'cause they don't know how to let you in

and I can't let you out

I'm gonna fly on down for the last stop to this town

I'm gonna fly on down then fly away

get down

why don't we take a ride away up high through the neighbourhood

up over the billboards and the factories and smoke

I'm gonna fly on down for the last stop to this town

- Yeah

I'm gonna fly on down and fly away on my way

fly away

get down"

Und noch einer zum Abschluß:

"Did you think that I would laugh when you said I was small

Did you think that that would pass as if nothing at all

You say a lot of funny things, my little bunny

And I almost always laugh, but that's not really funny

You play the little bells and tell a good story

You bake delicious pie and that's enough for me

But I don't think that I'm your man, and you're my little honey

And I like what you have to say, but that's not really funny

You must not continue to wear my ?? like me

The neighbour children threw the window to the sea

The little boy will wipe his nose bacause it's runny

Then point at me and laugh, but that's not really funny"

Hoffe, daß überhaupt jemand die Band errät :rolleyes:


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Zitat:</font><HR>Original erstellt von -cta-:

<STRONG>ok....welches lied ist das hier????und von wem???

Es gibt keine Zeit mehr für uns.



<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Zitat:</font><HR>Original erstellt von developer:


There's no time for us

there's no place for us...

Tippe mal auf "Königin / Wer will ewig leben" ;)</STRONG>


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Zitat:</font><HR>Original erstellt von developer:

<STRONG>Ich habe auch was:

"Dein Vater macht dich, hüpf, hüpf..."</STRONG>


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Zitat:</font><HR>Original erstellt von -cta-:


bingo!!!!!!aber wie der herr beetfreeq auf echt kommt weiss ich nicht...banause....</STRONG>


Hab auch einen...


Pride you took

Pride you feel

Pride that you felt when you'd kneel

Not the word

Not the love

Not what you thought from above

It feeds

It grows

It clouds all that you will know



Decide just what you believe

I see faith in your eyes

Never your hear the discouraging lies

I hear faith in your cries

Broken is the promise, betrayal

The healing hand held back by the deepened nail


Na, von wem ist das?


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Zitat:</font><HR>Original erstellt von beetFreeQ:


ok, sorry ;)... - aber die anderen kenne ich nichtmal :rolleyes:

Was ist denn das für'ne Richtung?</STRONG>


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Zitat:</font><HR>Original erstellt von developer:


Jo, musste gerade da an die deutsche Übersetzung denken :D:D:D</STRONG>


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Zitat:</font><HR>Original erstellt von developer:


Na ja, der Jüngste bin ich ja auch nicht mehr ;):D:D</STRONG>


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Zitat:</font><HR>Original erstellt von beetFreeQ:


Mit "die anderen" meinte ich eigentlich Königin... - hatte gedacht, das wäre ne Band...

Ne, U2 isses nicht! Sind alle von der selben Band!

Kleiner Tip: Der erste ist aus dem Soundtrack von Road Trip!</STRONG>


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Zitat:</font><HR>Original erstellt von beetFreeQ:


Huuuuch - alles übersetzt... Na denn - ist aber eigentlich Pflichprogramm, auf Englisch hätte ich's gewußt! ;)

Und, kommt denn keiner auf meine Texte?</STRONG>


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Zitat:</font><HR>Original erstellt von beetFreeQ:


Huuuuch - alles übersetzt... Na denn - ist aber eigentlich Pflichprogramm, auf Englisch hätte ich's gewußt! ;)

Und, kommt denn keiner auf meine Texte?</STRONG>


Ich lös mal auf! Sind alles Songs von den Eels!

Das erste ist "Mr. E's Beautiful Blues" (sogar in den Charts gewesen und eben durch Road Trip bekannt)

Das zweite "Last Stop This Town" ist eher unbekannt, aber schön, genauso wie das dritte namens "That's Not Really Funny".

Dann nehmen wir mal was leichteres:

Band mit kauzigem Frontmann! grad ganz frisch:

"When I met you, you were so unique

You had a little thing I'd love to keep

Every movement carried much mystique

I knew right then I'd carry on, to you I knew my heart belonged

You, you give me something

Something that nobody else can give

And my heart, started thumpin'

You know now, you're the one I truly know I dig

Like the sunbeams from a perfect summer day

Heaven only seems a step away

When I'm with you, I just celebrate

I'm hoping my message gets through

There's never been someone like you

I had nobody, but on you I lean

'Cos you got these little things that I

I know I've never seen

You know now, you give me something

Something that nobody else has got

And this love, that I've been wanting

Oh baby's turning out to be too fast to stop

You know now, you give me something

Something that nobody else can give

See my heart has started thumpin'

You know babe, you're the one I truly know I dig"


andere Band, aber auch ziemlich neu und vor allem witzig!

"The world is spinning too fast

I'm buying lead Nike shoes

To keep myself tethered

To the days I try to lose

My mama said to slow down

You should make your shoes

Start dancing to the music

Of [bANDNAME] in a happy mood

Keep a mild groove on

Ba ba ba

Day dee bop

There you go!

Get the cool!

Get the cool shoe shine!

There's a monkey in the jungle

Watching a vapour trail

Caught up in the conflict

Between his brain and his tail

And if time's elimination

Then we got nothing to lose

Please repeat the message

It's the music that we choose

Keep a mild groove on

Ba ba ba

Day dee bop

OK bring it down yeah we gonna break out

Get the cool!

Get the cool shoe shine!

Ah Ah Ah Ah

Day doo de bop"

<FONT COLOR="#a62a2a" SIZE="1">[ 27. November 2001 16:50: Beitrag 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von beetFreeQ ]</font>


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Zitat:</font><HR>Original erstellt von CtrlAltEnt:

<STRONG>Hab auch einen...


Pride you took

Pride you feel

Pride that you felt when you'd kneel


Na, von wem ist das?</STRONG>


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Zitat:</font><HR>Original erstellt von [Necrom]:


sex is a battle, love is war *grummel*

naaa? gar nicht so schwer!!</STRONG>

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