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"suse 9.0 autologin"


When you install SuSE 9.0 on your computer, one of the defaults is an autologin sequence on boot. This means that if your computer is rebooted or cold started, it automatically bypasses the login screen and gives anyone access to your computer. Somehow when I installed SuSE 9.0 on my computer, I did not notice this option. While it's easy to fix this, it's somewhat difficult to find in the system administration menus. Here's how to do it.

Bring up the Control Center program and click on YaST2. Alternately, you can to directly to YaST2, as this is the program you really need. From the YaST2 menu, click on System. Then click on Editor for /etc/sysconfig Files. If you are not logged in as root, you will have to enter your root password to get to the corect menu. Once you get to the Configuration Options, click on Desktop to expand that tree, then click on Display Manager for the next level. Inside this tree you should see and entry called DISPLAYMANAGER_AUTOLOGIN. Click on this entry, and you should see a text window appear with the current value of this setting. I changed mine from Willy to no entry (blank) with the pulldown arrow, and now my system boots to the graphic login prompt, the way I wanted it in the first place.


Gute Nacht


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