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Ah, you thick egg!

Dear P.,

it ist heavy to say, what in this our time the greatest problem is. The purses befind themselves worldwide on valley-journey. Special the German Telekom, which my Cousin Walter, this clevershitter, last year in masses inbought has, is now deep in the cellar. It shines unclear, from where in future the money for our rents and pensions come shall. Next year stands the Euro before the door, and what then? There gives it horror and hysteria in togetherhang with BSE and MKS, and the tostandy bureaucrats in Brussels come only into the rotating.

Our schools and universities are sowbad. On the Balkan stand we middle in a cruel war. The ozon-hole brings us storms and highwater, the news are day-daily full of catastrophes and disasters.

There can the world undergo - but what is the question, which in these days our political circles here in Germany just on mostest interests? You believe it not. The motto is: Mirror, mirror in the hand, who is the proudest in the land? Exacter: Who is proud, a German to be - why, whom againstover, with what behindt-hought, with what risk and side-effects? In this question overbeat our politickers themselves. The one tries, the other house-high in proudness to overtrump. I ask you: Can we onsight´s all the problems in the world proud be, such politickers to have? Once more is it thereby very typical, that we women a cool head gehold, while the gentlemen of the creation themselves like wild gockle-cocks betake.

Special the exponents from conservative wing are so overwhelmed, a German to be, that they not with-become, how dangerously near they herewith the tight-radicals come. In this confused situation tried the Johnny Rozgh, our Federal president, the waves to smooth, when he said: You can not be proud on what be, that you not self tostand brought have. But there had you our Christly Socials seen should! This was only water on there mills. Never more proud be on the FC Bayern, the Salvator-Beer and the Starnberger-Sea? Not out to drink! And overhead, these Social Democrats and these Greens! Withe them, was to hear, is no state to make, never. What they are? Louder anti-patriots with absolute no heart for folk and fatherland.

This now was found food for our prodest gazette, die Bild paper. You must know, that Bild the onlx true speak-tube of our our folk is. And see there, landup, landdown were our with-burgers asked, on what they all proud are. The result? We Germans are proud on the Beethoven and the Schumi, on the Goethe and the Mercedes, on The Steffi Graf and the cuckoo-clock. Themafter are we also proud on the dark; not so very on our dark past (understandly), but on our dark bread! The end from the song? In the light of such a hot love for folk and fatherland musted all unsafe candidates in all publicity high and holy swear, that they with body and soul also patriots are - the Federal Johnny, The Federal Gerhard, the Federal Joschka and so wider and so forth. A single mourning-play.

And the proudest of all gockle-cocks is the Westerwave Guido, one of our smartest timeghost-surfers. On him can the German folk very proud be, fore all, that he so goog English can. In the FAZ ("there behind sticks always a clever head") overwrote he his jubilating article word-wordly: I am proud to be a German. Ah, you thick egg! He trombones loud into all world, that we Germans our light too often under the bush put. Yess, has he still all together? Where are then these sad young Germans, who always their head under the arm take? At the Ballermann on Mallorca? In the Big-Brother-Container? On the Love-Parade?

I befear now a great surfing on this national Westerwave. Must I unbethinged proud on my nation be? Sympathetic is me, what hereto the Heinemann Gustav, a former Federal President, once said: " I love not the state, I love my wife."

Your true G.

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Haha we all doing as if we where bloody beginners in english and we are all ticking trough!!!

es ist der frühe vogel der den wurm fängt!!!

[ 20. April 2001: Beitrag editiert von: @@@ ]

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