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Q. After reading your review of "Lost in Translation" and subsequent discussion about how we do not hear Bill Murray's final words to Scarlett Johansson, I was surprised to find that I could understand fairly easily what Murray whispered into her ear at the end. While I could not hear every word, it was obvious to me that he said something like "As soon as possible, call your husband and tell him you love him, OK?" The last six words I have no doubt about whatsoever.

Matthew Allen, Long Beach, Calif.

A. I saw the film again, and closed my eyes and concentrated every aural nerve during that scene, and still could not hear a word. Apparently I am not alone. In an interview with writer-director Sofia Coppola in the new issue of Sight & Sound, she's asked, "Dare I ask what Bob whispers to Charlotte at the end?" And she replies: "Someone asked Bill, and he said, 'It's between lovers.' I love that answer."

Then she was asked if she had written lines for the scene, and said: "I wrote some stuff but I wasn't happy with it. There was dialogue but it was really sparse. Ultimately I liked it better that you don't hear it, that you can put in what you want them to say. You wish he'd say, 'I had a great time and you're great,' but instead he says, 'I left my jacket.' That's what people do."


ich habs nicht mal bis zum Ende geschafft. Frag mich nur für was der Film die Auszeichnungen gekriegt hat :confused:

Vorallem wo war da der Inhalt einer Komödie?

Ich bin nach ner Stunde eingepennt und bis dahin war es mies und keinen einzigen Lacher wert.

Selbhst meiner Frau hat er ned gefallen und ich kenne auch keinen in meinem Bekanntenkreis, der da was anderes sagte.

Fazit: Höllisch enttäuscht von einem hochgelobten Film


Vorallem wo war da der Inhalt einer Komödie?

Ich bin nach ner Stunde eingepennt und bis dahin war es mies und keinen einzigen Lacher wert.

And again: Der Film ist keine Komödie Der ist ehr als Drama oder Film zum Nachdenken angelegt. Leider wurde er in Deutschland irgendwie als Komödie vermarktet, deswegen gingen viele mit falschen Ansprüchen an den Film rein.

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