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man 5 smbpasswd

Account Flags

This section contains flags that describe the attributes of the users account. In the Samba 2.2 release this field is bracketed by '[' and ']' characters and is always 13 characters in length (including the '[' and ']' characters). The contents of this field may be any of the following characters:

U - This means this is a "User" account, i.e. an ordinary user. Only User and Workstation Trust accounts are currently supported in the smbpasswd file.

N - This means the account has no password (the passwords in the fields LANMAN Password Hash and NT Password Hash are ignored). Note that this will only allow users to log on with no password if the null passwords parameter is set in the smb.conf(5) config file.

D - This means the account is disabled and no SMB/CIFS logins will be allowed for this user.

W - This means this account is a "Workstation Trust" account. This kind of account is used in the Samba PDC code stream to allow Windows NT Workstations and Servers to join a Domain hosted by a Samba PDC.

Other flags may be added as the code is extended in future. The rest of this field space is filled in with spaces.


Das wird wohl das hier sein:

Other flags may be added as the code is extended in future. The rest of this field space is filled in with spaces.


Vielleicht steht dazu was in den Man-Pages, die du mit deinem Samba zusammen auf die Platte geloetet hast?

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