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Hab mir das Programm Pear PC heruntergeladen, und compiliert. Wenn ich nun aber eine bootfähige Image-Datei in meiner Config eintrage, bekomme ich die Meldung "0 bootable partitions found". Das selbe problem habe ich auch, wenn ich eine CD/DVD benutze und den Pfad dazu in die Config eintrage.

Mein Config sieht zur Zeit so aus:

## PearPC Configuration File


## Start Resolution


## (clients that use video.x can change the resolution at runtime,

##  so this would be used only for starting up)


##	format:  "(width)x(height)x(depth)"

##	    or   "(width)x(height)x(depth)@(frequency)"


##	depth can only be 15 or 32


##	default: "800x600x15"


ppc_start_resolution = "800x600x15"


## Redraw interval (in ms)

## must be between 10 and 500


## If you set this higher, PearPC will spend less time doing redraws (and so run faster)

## but feel less responsive. You should adjust this to your computer speed and personal

## preference.


redraw_interval_msec = 40


## Key codes


key_toggle_mouse_grab = "F12"

key_toggle_full_screen = "Alt+Return"


## Loader 



##	Boot method

##	  this can be

##	  1. "auto", prom will boot the first bootable partition found (default)

##	  2. "select", prom will show you a list of bootable partitions

##	  3. "force", prom will load and boot the local file prom_loadfile


prom_bootmethod = "auto"

## Example of how to use "force":

#prom_bootmethod = "force"

#prom_loadfile = "cddvd/winxp.iso"

#prom_env_bootpath = "cdrom"


##	bootargs: don't change unless you know what you are doing

##	machargs: set to "-v" to get a verbose startup


#prom_env_bootargs = ""

prom_env_machargs = ""


##	This is needed if you want to boot Mac OS X


#prom_driver_graphic = "video.x"

## This will adjust the position of the initial page table (don't change)

#page_table_pa = 104857600


## CPU Config


##	Processor Version Register

##	Defaults to 0x00088302

##	Only change if you know want you are doing


#cpu_pvr = 0x00088302


## Main memory (default 128 MiB)

## must be >= 64 MiB




## IO Devices



##	PCI IDE Config


##	Drive type will be set according to file extension:

##		.img: Harddisk (filesize must be multiple of 516096)

##		.iso: CD-Rom

##	Or you can override this by specifying the type via

##	pci_ide0_master_type / pci_ide0_slave_type

pci_ide0_master_installed = 1

pci_ide0_master_image = "disks/linux.img"

#pci_ide0_master_type = "hd"

pci_ide0_slave_installed = 1

pci_ide0_slave_image = "cddvd/winxp.iso"

pci_ide0_slave_type = "cdrom"


##	Network


##	Choose one of the cards

pci_3c90x_installed = 0

pci_3c90x_mac = "de:ad:ca:fe:12:34"

pci_rtl8139_installed = 0

pci_rtl8139_mac = "de:ad:ca:fe:12:35"


##	USB


pci_usb_installed = 1




nvram_file = "nvram"

configuration meiner Kiste:

Suse Linux 9.0 mit KDE


Athlon 1800+

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