Noxy Geschrieben 29. Oktober 2004 Geschrieben 29. Oktober 2004 Ich find das Super, Bush hat es geschafft, Platz 1 der Filmbösewichte zu werden bei einer Umfrage. Noch vor Dr. Octopus und dem Typen aus dem Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Möglich wurd das durch den Film Fahrenheit 9/11) Hier der Orginal Text: Film Fans Make Bush 'Movie Villain of the Year' LONDON (Reuters) - President Bush may see himself as defender of democracy and compassionate conservatism but British film fans have voted him "Movie Villain of the Year." The American "Axis of Evil" fighter is wooing voters with security pledges ahead of the presidential election next week, but it was Bush's role in Michael Moore's anti-war film "Fahrenheit 9/11" that won him the villainous title. In a poll for Total Film magazine, the U.S. leader fought off competition from such well-known baddies as atomic scientist Doctor Octopus from "Spider-Man 2" and fellow Texan Leatherface from "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre." "The overwhelming response of our readers voting Bush top villain just goes to show how frightening people found him in Fahrenheit 9/11," Total Film's editor Matt Mueller told Reuters. "He was absolutely terrifying in that film. The infamous scene where he's informed about the Twin Towers attack while visiting a school, and sits there absolutely paralyzed, is enough to strike fear into anyone's heart," he said. ( Zitieren
Daiana Geschrieben 29. Oktober 2004 Geschrieben 29. Oktober 2004 *loool* Sehr gut. Allerdings glaube ich kaum, dass diese Wahl der amerikanisch-europäischen Freundschaft besonders zuträglich ist... Zitieren
Guybrush Threepwood Geschrieben 29. Oktober 2004 Geschrieben 29. Oktober 2004 hehe find ich lustig:D @Daiana na und? Zitieren
Daiana Geschrieben 29. Oktober 2004 Geschrieben 29. Oktober 2004 @Daiana na und? Aber... ich bin doch so harmoniesüchtig :bimei :WD Zitieren
Guybrush Threepwood Geschrieben 29. Oktober 2004 Geschrieben 29. Oktober 2004 Ahh :beagolisc Zitieren
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