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die süße Bangles Frontfrau Susanna Hoffs :)

My side of the Bed.

Ach mit der würde ich noch ganz andere Sachen teilen ;)

ich frag mich ob die immer noch so aussieht?

Song war glaub ich Anfang der 90er

schön langsam hauen wir uns wirklich die Bälle um die Ohren :D

Is it right, to take the easy way?

Close your eyes, get on your knees and pray

Now you're saved, by a higher voice

Givin' up, givin' up, givin' up your choice

etwas fetziger und erst paar Jährchen alt :)

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Top-Benutzer in diesem Thema


Van Halen - Don't Tell Me What Love Can Do!

So, hier das nächste:

Seaside - whenever you stroll along with me

I'm merely contemplating what you feel inside

Meanwhile I ask you to be my Clementine -

You say you'd have to tell your daddy if you can -

I love you madly -

Let my imagination run away with you gladly -

A brand new angle - highly commendable -

[songtitel] -

I feel so romantic - can we do it again

Can we do it again sometime,

Fantastic, c'est la vie mesdames et messieurs,

And at the peak of the season,

the Mediterranean -,

this time of year, it's so fashionable,

I feel like dancing - in the rain,

All I need is a volunteer -

Dancing - what a damn jolly good idea -

It's such a jollification - as a matter of fact,

so tres charmant my dear -

Underneath the moonlight -

together we'll sail across the sea -

reminiscing every night

Meantime - I ask you to be my valentine

You say you do if you did but you daren't

I'll be your Valentino -

We'll ride upon an omnibus and then the casino -

get a new facial - so sensational -

[songtitel] - so adorable,

[songtitel] -

[songtitel] -

Auch etwas älter und von dem wohl wichtigsten Album aller Zeiten ;)


endlich mal wieder ein anderer. War auch schnell gelöst, hätte ich ned gedacht :)

öhm wenn ich mich ned irre ist das von Freddy schon zu früh gestorben Mercury Night of the Opera?

Irgendwas mit Seaside oder so. Seaside Date, Rendezvous oder was weiß ich :confused:

endlich mal wieder ein anderer. War auch schnell gelöst, hätte ich ned gedacht :)

öhm wenn ich mich ned irre ist das von Freddy schon zu früh gestorben Mercury Night of the Opera?

Irgendwas mit Seaside oder so. Seaside Date, Rendezvous oder was weiß ich :confused:

Bingo - Seaside Rendezvous von Queen!

macht mal ein anderer einen neuen Song.

Mir fällt grad momentan keiner ein :)

OK, dann mach ich gleich noch einen:

Sgt. Baker is my name

I'm gonna teach you how to play the game

of warfare

Suddenly it appears to me

You got a bit much dignity

For your own good, boy

Yes sir, yes sir.

I will rape your personality

Pummel you with my own philosophy

Strip you of your self-integrity

To make you all a bit like me

I said right, left

Sgt. Baker here again

And if you calls me "puddin Tame"

I'll stomp you down, boy

Steers and Queers

Steers and Queers where you come

From there's just steers and queers

And you ain't got no horns, boy

Yes sir, yes sir

I will rape your personality

Pummel you with my own philosophy

Strip you of your self-integrity

To make you all a bit like me

I said right, left

Dürfte für Fans kein Problem sein...


Dann wollen wir mal:

I lit my pain on fire

And I watched it all burn down

Now I'm dancing in the ashes

And theres no one else around

Cause I wanna be apart of something

This is just a story of a broken soul


So, hab was neues gefunden:


Satan is an evilous man,

But him can't chocks it on I-man

So when I check him my lassing hand

And if him slip, I gaan with him hand


Him haffi drop him fork and run

Him can't stand up to Jah Jah son

Him haffi lef' ya with him gun

Dig off with him bomb


Ich hab den Chorus mal weggelassen, sonst wär's zu einfach - wobei einige dann sicher auch auf den falschen Song kommen würden ;)


Ich geb mal wieder nen Tipp, damit der Thread nicht in Vergessenheit gerät ;)

Also der Song selbst ist hauptsächlich wegen der Verwendung des Chorus in einem der ersten Hits von The Prodigy allgemeiner bekannt. Der Titel des Prodigy-Tracks ist aber nicht der Titel des Originals...

So, ich füg hier auch noch mal die erste Zeile des Textes dazu, die ich oben auch weggelassen hab - vielleicht hilft die auch etwas:

Lucifer son of the mourning, I'm gonna chase you out of earth!

  • 2 Wochen später...

Noch Bock auf's Raten? Dann reaktivier ich den Thread mal! Vielleicht errät's ja doch noch wer - hier auch der Chorus:

I'm gonna put on a iron shirt, and chase Satan out of earth

I'm gonna put on a iron shirt, and chase the devil out of earth

I'm gonna send him to outa space, to find another race

I'm gonna send him to outa space, to find another race


Hmm, ich lös mal auf und poste nen neuen Text - danach schieb ich auch nicht mehr - versprochen ;)

Also der Song war "Chase The Devil" von Max Romeo - der Chorus ist bekannt aus "Out Of Space", einem der ersten Prodigy-Hits...

OK, hier was einfacheres:

We gonna drop this next bomb for a money makin' playa that ain't with us no mo.

Yeah, Notorious B.I.G.

Hell no, we gonna do this for a gangbanging thug that never seen it comin'.

Yeah, Tupac Shakur.

Nah bitch, I'm talkin' ‘bout mother****in' Falco and ****.

What? Falco?

Rock me Amadeus

Rock me Amadeus

Rock me Amadeus

Rock me Amadeus

Tried to O.D. on the Cold-Eeze

"Golden Girls" got me "Sweatin' To The Oldies"

Hanging out like Double Ds sip Long Island Iced Teas

Wrote to Mayor McCheese "Send a Shamrock Shake please!"

Three O' Clock on the dot time to cruise for Eighth graders

Rather tape the Weather Channel so that I can watch it later

Reruns of Rerun so "What's Happening?"

Dee's knocked up and Rog on crack again

Deep throat a whole Nutty Buddy

Make whoopie to a batch of Silly Putty

Make a Spam and Colgate sandwich and ate it

Go through "National Geographic" and draw panties on the natives

So I like to dance naked in front of my pets

But my cat was inattentive so I sent him U.P.S.

Playin' spin the bottle with my mom

I watch "Cops" with no pants on

Must've blown a fuse nothing's going on

Lamer than the Pope climb the walls like King Kong

Buggin' out like Tori Spelling's eyes

Deader than the parents on a "Party of Five"

Luciano Pavoratti on a treadmill

Not going nowhere slim chance we will

Less hip than Bo Jackson bored like wood

Dick around like Frankie Goes To Hollywood

Relax don't do it when you wanna go to it

Relax don't do it when you wanna cum

Relax don't do it when you wanna go to it

Relax don't do it when you wanna cum

Nowhere to go I can't wake up late

Just sit around and wait for my Old Spice to activate

Stalemate jailbait in "My So-Called Life" imprisonment

Amazing what a good breakfast pickles make isn't it?

I like to pretend I'm speed reading

Never lose the sight of the thrill of sneezing

Don't need a shower today just some Brut by Faberge

Smell the ass of my jeans clean they'll do another day

And I recycle I sniff my own farts

I dial the wrong number hope a conversation starts

I mean I might as well be listenin' to Journey

Givin' myself a mullet hook the Flowbee to the Kirby

Make a prank call pretendin' I'm a mime

Get stuck in traffic just to pass the time

Sent a letter in the mail in Braille to Johnny Quest

Send me back my Etch-A-Sketch

Must've blown a fuse nothing's going on

Lamer than the Pope climb the walls like King Kong

Buggin' out like Tori Spelling's eyes

Deader than the parents on a "Party of Five"

Luciano Pavoratti on a treadmill

Not going nowhere slim chance we will

Less hip than Bo Jackson, bored like wood

Dick around like Frankie Goes To Hollywood

Relax don't do it when you wanna go to it

Relax don't do it when you wanna cum

Relax don't do it when you wanna go to it

Relax don't do it when you wanna cum

I'm mighty tighty whitey and I'm smugglin' plums

When you wanna cum

I'm mighty tighty whitey and I'm smugglin' plums

When you wanna cum

I'm mighty tighty whitey and I'm smugglin' plums

When you wanna cum

I'm mighty tighty whitey and I'm smugglin' plums

When you wanna cum

Yo yo yo yo yo! What it is mother****ers?

Aw ****, here comes Pac-Man.

Hey Pac-Man, what's up?

Me you bitches! I'm high on crack! Wanna freebase?

No Pac-Man drugs are bad!

Nope can't help you man.

Pussies. Whoa! Holy ****!

Must've blown a fuse nothing's going on

Lamer than the Pope climb the walls like King Kong

Buggin' out like Tori Spelling's eyes

Deader than the parents on a "Party of Five"

Luciano Pavoratti on a treadmill

Not going nowhere slim chance we will

Less hip than Bo Jackson bored like wood

Dick around like Frankie Goes To Hollywood

Relax don't do it when you wanna go to it

Relax don't do it when you wanna cum

Relax don't do it when you wanna go to it

Relax don't do it when you wanna cum

Holy macaroni

Holy macaroni

Holy macaroni

Holy macaroni


naja eigentlich hab ich ja nur die Lösung ergänzt..

na denn, hier mal aus dem Gedächnis:

Have you ever been close to tragedy

or been close to folks who have?

Have you ever felt a pain so powerful,

so heavy you collapse?

I never had to, knock on wood

But I know someone who has

Which makes me wonder if i could


Have you ever had the odds stacked up so high,

you need a strength most don't possess?

Or has it ever come down to do or die

you've got to rise above the rest?

I never had to, knock on wood

But I know someone who has

Which makes me wonder if i could


I'm not a coward, I've just never been tested,

I'd like to think that if I was I would pass.

Look at the tested and think: "There but for the grace go I"

Might be a coward, I'm afraid of what I might find out.

I never had to, knock on wood

But I know someone who has

Which makes me wonder if i could


vom Refrain fehlen ein paar Zeilen, damits nicht zu einfach wird


Mighty Mighty Bosstones?

Falls es stimmt:

Thus having spoke she turned away

And though I found no words to say

I stood and watched until I saw

Her black coat disappear

My labour is no easier

But now I know I’m not alone

I find new heart each time

I think upon that windy day

And if one day she comes to you

Drink deeply from her words so wise

Take courage from her

As your prize

And say hello from me

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