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hi folgende ausgangssituation:

rechner war mit xp installiert hab ich mir partition magic platz für ne neue partition gemacht und ne suse 9.1 cd reingelegt und standartmäßig installiert.

nach der installtion war die reihenfolge im lilo bootloader linux -- windows -- usw.

ich will aber das standartmäßig windows gestartet wird....

ich also den yast aufgemacht und zur bootloader konfig gegangen wenn ich die anderung bestätigen will kommt folgende meldung:

Warning: LBA32 addressing assumed

Added Linux *

Added Windows

Added Failsafe

Skipping /boot/memtest.bin

Warning: LBA32 addressing assumed

Warning: Kernel & BIOS return differing head/sector geometries for device 0x80

Kernel: 65535 cylinders, 16 heads, 63 sectors

BIOS: 1024 cylinders, 255 heads, 63 sectors

Device 0x0300: Inconsistent partition table, 1st entry

CHS address in PT: 1023:15:63 --> LBA (16435502)

LBA address in PT: 11261628 --> CHS (701:1:1)

Fatal: Either FIX-TABLE or IGNORE-TABLE must be specified

If not sure, first try IGNORE-TABLE (-P ignore)

Warning: LBA32 addressing assumed

Warning: Kernel & BIOS return differing head/sector geometries for device 0x80

Kernel: 65535 cylinders, 16 heads, 63 sectors

BIOS: 1024 cylinders, 255 heads, 63 sectors

Device 0x0300: Inconsistent partition table, 1st entry

CHS address in PT: 1023:15:63 --> LBA (16435502)

LBA address in PT: 11261628 --> CHS (701:1:1)

Fatal: Either FIX-TABLE or IGNORE-TABLE must be specified

If not sure, first try IGNORE-TABLE (-P ignore)

Warning: LBA32 addressing assumed

Warning: Kernel & BIOS return differing head/sector geometries for device 0x80

Kernel: 65535 cylinders, 16 heads, 63 sectors

BIOS: 1024 cylinders, 255 heads, 63 sectors

Device 0x0300: Inconsistent partition table, 1st entry

CHS address in PT: 1023:15:63 --> LBA (16435502)

LBA address in PT: 11261628 --> CHS (701:1:1)

Fatal: Either FIX-TABLE or IGNORE-TABLE must be specified

If not sure, first try IGNORE-TABLE (-P ignore)

Warning: LBA32 addressing assumed

Warning: Kernel & BIOS return differing head/sector geometries for device 0x80

Kernel: 65535 cylinders, 16 heads, 63 sectors

BIOS: 1024 cylinders, 255 heads, 63 sectors

Device 0x0300: Inconsistent partition table, 1st entry

CHS address in PT: 1023:15:63 --> LBA (16435502)

LBA address in PT: 11261628 --> CHS (701:1:1)

Fatal: Either FIX-TABLE or IGNORE-TABLE must be specified

If not sure, first try IGNORE-TABLE (-P ignore)

Warning: LBA32 addressing assumed

Warning: Kernel & BIOS return differing head/sector geometries for device 0x80

Kernel: 65535 cylinders, 16 heads, 63 sectors

BIOS: 1024 cylinders, 255 heads, 63 sectors

Device 0x0300: Inconsistent partition table, 1st entry

CHS address in PT: 1023:15:63 --> LBA (16435502)

LBA address in PT: 11261628 --> CHS (701:1:1)

Fatal: Either FIX-TABLE or IGNORE-TABLE must be specified

If not sure, first try IGNORE-TABLE (-P ignore)

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