Schlaubi Geschrieben 3. Dezember 2004 Geschrieben 3. Dezember 2004 Hallo, ich muss hier eine Pipe resetten und eine neue Konfiguration aufspielen. Leider fehlt mir das "FullAccess" Passwort, um es via Software zu machen. Gibt es eine Möglichkeit so eine Pipe hardwäremäßig zu resetten? Gegoogled hab ich schon, aber ich bin nur immer auf den Softwarereset gestoßen Zitieren
Schlaubi Geschrieben 3. Dezember 2004 Autor Geschrieben 3. Dezember 2004 Hallo, ich hab meine Pipe soeben erfolgreich resetet Und zwar mit dieser Anleitung, google sei Dank: P75 Password Recovery Procedures These procedures are for the Pipeline 75 (aka Pipe50), with the toggle switch on the back of the unit: Doing the password recovery will void the warranty on the P75. If it is out of warranty, then this is not a problem. Follow the instructions to the "T". I repeat, this *WILL* void the warranty on the P75. If the unit is less than a year old I'd suggest sending it back to Ascend and let them do it. If you have ever uploaded a new image to a pipe via the console port and "Xmodem" protocol file transfer, then this will pretty much be a breeze. 1. Download a different version of code. (if the box is at 4.6C download 5.0A if already at 5.0A download 4.6C, I think you catch my meaning, the code release has to be fairly far apart.) I'd suggest downloading two versions, the one to blow-in to get a "default" box, the other possibly being the one currently on the P75. 2. Turn Off the P75 3. Open the P75 (single screw in the middle of the box on the bottom. Carefully release the clips located near the 4 corners on the bottom, they may be glued slightly.) 4. Short the jumper, P1 (by placing a jumper strap on the two pins, or using a screw driver to short the two pins) located in the lower left corner next to the status lights. (P2 is labeled, P1 may or may not be, but it's next to it) 5. Plug into the console port. 6. Set terminal emulation package to 57600 7. Power on the P75 8. When you get the "PIPE50>" prompt (which will be almost instantaneous, and yes you will get it on the 75), type in: df This will place the 75 in "Upload Ready" "CKCKCKCK" mode. (Just as if you had typed ESC [ ESC - to get there). Instruct your terminal package to do an Xmodem protocol file upload of the selected image. (do not try placing the current version back in. As it won't work) 9. Once complete (message: Download Complete), power down the P75, Remove the jumper strap, Replace the cover, and power on the unit. (it will take a little longer to boot, about double the normal boot time) ** Remember to reset your emulation package back to 9600 baud. The P75 will be as a new unit without a config, so all previous settings will be lost (Just as you wanted). Ascend Communications does not recommend doing this, and as the author of this document I am not responsible for any damages to the unit. But when your back is against the wall, and you have a paper weight because of forgotten/unknown password.................... Zitieren
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