Utschik1978 Geschrieben 29. April 2005 Geschrieben 29. April 2005 Hallo zusammen. Ich hoffe meine Frage ist hier richtig platziert: Ich möchte ein eingescannte Bilddatei automatisch bearbeiten. (Grösse ändern, die JPEG Kompression anpassen usw.) Das soll halt über eine .bat Datei laufen. Das Grafikprogramm (IrfanView 3.95) und das Bild kriege ich ja auch noch geöffnet, aber wenn es dann daran geht die entsprechenden Programmoptionen aufzurufen taucht das Problem auf. Wie kann ich z.B. Tastenkombinationen an das Programm übergeben, um bestimmte Optionen aufzurufen ? Ich hatte z.B. an "SendKey" gedacht, aber die klappen nicht. Danke schonmal. Zitieren
Amstelchen Geschrieben 29. April 2005 Geschrieben 29. April 2005 beispiele (ungetestet), helfen dir die? i_view32.exe c:\test.bmp /convert=c:\test.jpg i_view32.exe c:\*.jpg /convert=d:\temp\*.gif i_view32.exe c:\*.jpg /resample=(500,300) /convert=d:\temp\*.png i_view32.exe c:\*.jpg /resample=(500,300) /aspectratio /convert=d:\temp\*.png befehlsparameter: /one - force 'Only one instance' /fs - force Full Screen display /bf - force 'Fit image to desktop' display option /title=text - set window title to 'text' /pos=(x,y) - move the window to x,y /convert=filename - convert input file to 'filename' and close IrfanView /slideshow=txtfile - play slideshow with the files from 'txtfile' /slideshow=folder - play slideshow with the files from 'folder' /thumbs=folder - force thumbnails (with a specific folder) /killmesoftly - close all IrfanView instances /closeslideshow - close slideshow and close IrfanView after the last image /page=X - open page number X from a multipage input image /crop=(x,y,w,h) - crop input image: x-start, y-start, width, height /print - print input image (all pages) to default printer and close IrfanView /print="Name" - print input image (all pages) to specific printer and close IrfanView /resize=(w,h) - resize input image to w (width) and h (height) /resample=(w,h) - resample input image to w (width) and h (height) /capture=X - capture the screen or window (see examples below) /ini - use the Windows folder for INI/LST files (read/save) /ini="Folder" - use the folder "Folder" for INI/LST files (read/save) /clippaste - paste image from the clipboard /clipcopy - copy image to the clipboard /silent - don't show error messages for command line read/save errors /invert - invert the input image /dpi=(x,y) - change DPI values /scan - acquire the image from the TWAIN device (show TWAIN dialog) /scanhidden - acquire the image from the TWAIN device (hide TWAIN dialog) /batchscan=(options) - simulate menu: File->Batch Scan, see below for example /bpp=BitsPerPixel - change color depth of the input image to BitsPerPixel /swap_bw - swap black and white color /gray - convert input image to grayscale /rotate_r - rotate input image to right /rotate_l - rotate input image to left /filepattern="x" - browse only specific files /sharpen=X - open image and apply the sharpen filter value X /contrast=X - open image and apply the contrast value X /hide=X - hide toolbar, status bar, menu and/or caption of the main window (see examples below) /aspectratio - used for /resize and /resample, keep image proportions /info=txtfile - write image infos to "txtfile" /append=tiffile - append image as (TIF) page to "tiffile" /multitif=(tif,files) - create multipage TIF from input files /jpgq=X - set JPG save quality /tifc=X - set TIF save compression /wall=X - set image as wallpaper /extract=(file,ext) - extract all pages from a multipage file /import_pal=palfile - import and apply a special palette to the image (PAL format) s'Amstel Zitieren
Utschik1978 Geschrieben 29. April 2005 Autor Geschrieben 29. April 2005 Das hat geklappt. Danke sehr. Zitieren
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