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Songzitate die 1. :)

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@ IceDuck: kalr darfste posten, aber nur wen nicht grad ein anderes lied zum raten ist und wenn der gewinner in dem fall war ja keiner da der meinen song eraten hat, also darfste natürlich einen machen jetzt war meisterdieb vor dir ^^.....hättest direkt posten sollen hehe :D ^^



noch ein paar zeilen

so throw in the towel

cause your life aint sh it

now take the towel

and hang yourself with it

life is short and hard

like a bodybuilding elf

so save the planet

and kill yourself

  • 2 Monate später...

Mag keiner mehr? O_o

Uri weiß Rat und einen Songtext ^^

She was divinity's creature

That kissed in cold mirrors

A Queen of Snos

Far beyond compare

Lips attuned to symmetry

Sought Her everywhere

Dark liqoured eyes

An Arabian nightmare...

mal sehn ob die Threadreanimation funktioniert :D

"Cradle Of Filth" mit "Her Ghost In The Fog"

Falls richtig -> Bitte auf meinen neuen Warten! Danke! :D

Gratulation. Sie haben die Waschmaschiene gewonnen. Oder das Recht hier ein neues Zitat zu Posten. Was nehmen sie?


Threadreanimation scheint erfolgreich gewesen zu sein :)


Schön, dann wolle mer ma, wa?

....Niemals wird es wieder so werden wie es war,

deshalb nehm ich meinen Stift und markiere dieses Jahr

in meinem Tagebuch mit einem schwarzen Rand....


So, hier geht's weiter:

We are building a religion,

We are building it bigger

We are widening the corridors and adding more lanes

We are building a religion.

A limited edition

We are now accepting callers for these pendant keychains

To resist it is useless,

It is useless to resist it

His cigerratte is burning but it never seems to ash

He is grooming his poodle

He is living comfort eagle

You can meet at his location but you'd better come with cash

Now his hat is on backwards. He can show you his tattoos

He is in the music buisness he is calling you "DUDE!"

Now today is tomorrow and tomorrow's today

And yesterday is weaving in and out

And the fluffy white lines that the airplane leaves behind

Are drifting right in front of the waning of the moon

He is handling the money. He's serving the food

He knows about your party. He is calling you "DUDE!"

Now, do you believe in the one big sign?

The double wide shine on the boot hills of your prime

Doesn't matter if you're skinny. Doesn't matter if you're fat.

You can dress up like a sultan in your onion-head hat

We are bulding a religion. We are making a brand

We're the only ones to turn to when your castles turn to sand

Take a bit of this apple, Mr. Corporate Events

Take a walk through the jungle of cardboard shedies and tents

Some people drink pepsi. Some people drink coke. (coke)

The wacky morning d.j. says democracy's a joke.

He says now, "Do you believe in the one big song?"

He's now accepting callers who would like to sing along

He says, "Do you believe in the one true edge?"

By fastening your saftey belts and stepping towards the ledge

He is handling the money. He is serving the food.

He is now accepting callers. He is calling me "DUDE!"

Do you believe in the one big sign?

The double wide shine on the boot hills of your prime.

There's no need to ask directions if you ever lose your mind

We're behind you. We're behind you.

And let us please remind you

We can send a car to find you

If you ever lose your way

Hoffe, das ist nicht zu schwer - aber ein paar Fans sollte die Band hier IMO haben - und wenn man Fan ist, kennt man diesen Song normalerweise auch!


Denn nehm ich des Angebot mal an ^^

What if you're an angel fallen from grace?

Yes, the fist that I hate

Pick me up from the gutter with a gentle kiss

The rips from my heart is showing me, how black it is!

HF ^^

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